Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Hello last Sunday of June
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Saturday and I hear crickets
Friday, June 27, 2008
It's new movie day
Thursday, June 26, 2008
shower cap trick
Forming an opinion
I finally have my coffee filled to the rim with Maxwell House. This was the one thing I missed during my short hospital stay was a cup of hot brewing coffee. I poked my head out towards the nurses station and they did not even have a pot of hot coffee. I wonder if the astronauts drink coffee in space. I know they use to drink Tang,because it was advertised as the astronaut's drink. If the astronauts do drink coffee, I wonder which brand they use Folgers or Maxwell House? Also, is it instant coffee or have they come up with a way to brew it? Does the food and coffee taste the same in space as it does on earth or has the taste buds been altered?
Changing the subject to the Death Penalty, I guess I would say that I was for it this time. The prisoner looks like a clean cut all American guy who would never do anything wrong in his whole life. However, at his trial the jury found him guilty of a monstrous crime of killing a young boy and showing him no mercy. Also, the prisoner assaulted the boy in a unspeakable manor before killing him. The prisoner shows no mercy towards his victim, but he begs for mercy before his own execution. The lawyer is afraid the prison guards will botch up the execution like the guy who was executed before this prisoner. Luckily this frame of thinking hasn't worked so far with the appeals judges. Once the execution is carried out, the parents of the victim can finally find peace knowing their son's killer will never harm anyone again.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Save a community and a job Read a newspaper

I like people to have ideas. My friend Lillian was mentioning her idea of having a newspaper you could view on a wrist watch. It would be like something you would see out of a "Get Smart" episode. She sees the practicality of having a hands free viewing so you could read it in the bathroom. I say this is a very clever idea, but making it happen may be a whole other issue.
Speaking of issues. The Daytona News Journal is closing the local branch here in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. The reason being is a Consultant thought it would look more attractive to a potential buyer not to have the extra garbage or employees attached to the sale. After the reason is given but not exactly in those word, the newspaper leaders have the nerve to say they are looking after the interest of the readers. My question is how could an outsider "The Consultant" speak for the interest of the readers?
They are just trying to make surface material look more interesting to a buyer. Who will be the New Smyrna Beach ace reporters? Who will be the one to cover the stories about what local events are taking place? Who will take the pictures of the local leaders of the community? Who will jump in when there is a problem within the community and bring it to an awareness of the people ? Who will read the newspaper? These are questions that are in total disregard as far as this newspaper owner is concern.
The picture is of my Great Grandfather Jack Geyer on my mother's side of the family in Logansport, Indiana. He ran a restaurant and above was a boarding house. It was located by the Pennsylvania Railroad Station downtown. My mom said he fed the homeless there.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Hello its Tuesday
Monday, June 23, 2008
Today is Garbage Monday
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Did you get rain? I sure did!!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
It''s Grocery Shopping Day!!!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Rejoice ye coffee lovers It's Friday!!!
First, I wanted to start out with a funny story. My mom was telling me the reason our next door neighbor seeing the Police checking out the other neighbor's yard is the neighbor three houses down from us accidentally called 911 while cleaning the keys of her phone. I thought this to be a comedy situation like what you would see on Home Improvement. There was no harmful intent, but just a clear honest mistake. Now, I want to jump on my soapbox about the subject of feeding the Pelicans. I think the law makers have gone too far in presuming this to be a threat to the Pelicans. The Pelicans can still survive in the wild ; even if, you or I feed them. This is not like feeding an alligator. The Pelican is a moocher and loves to get fish where ever he is able. He hangs around fishermen thinking someone will give him a handout. The pelican will jump in the water to do his own fishing if no one feeds him and his supply runs dry. My question to the law makers is where are they when the Pelican gets a hook stuck in it's beak or neck? There is no one to maintain the well being of these birds. I can hear the night crickets from the kitchen. This sound dominates until sunrise.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Mowing the lawn
What is pretty and What is not?
It looks like an offshore oil rig drifting
right towards me.
I thought it was safe and secure.
Didn’t you know that was just a fishing lure?
You took the bait and now it just ate your Coast.
You thought you were going to gain lower gas prices but you ended up loosing the most.
It muddy up the shoreline with dark oozing oil
It killed the fish and injured the birds. Now who is going to be loyal?
Loyal to the cleanup today of restoring our Coast. Making sure we have the right to boast.
We have the best beaches and we make great host. We learned from our mistakes. It is the clean environment we need the most.
Garbage pickup is today
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I believe it is the middle of the week
No Garbage pickup on Tuesday
I stepped outside this morning and the ground was still wet after it rained yesterday. The sound of the night crickets and the dripping water on the bag of mulch under the tree was overwhelming to hear. Mom had told me last night about a big full moon. I was too tired to investigate and I really did not want to be bug bitten before going to bed. This morning I went outside and saw a smaller more compact moon. It still had a pretty glow and I could tell the crickets just loved it. I brought the Daytona News Journal in the house, but I didn't even take it out of the bag. I did some experimental cooking yesterday which turned out to be totally weird tasting. The end product almost tasted like a cross between corn meal patties and a soap bar. I mixed some pineapple and a bit of honey in the sugar substitute ingredients and it didn't do any good to improve the product. Mom's facial expression of "yuk" meant the end of her trying it again when I said it tasted better with some honey on it. She called it chicken food and I chimed in maybe the seagulls would like it. The flour was a glutton free product. I was just curious to see how it would turn out. Yesterday, we finally got the much need rain which steadily flowed on the grass. The yards including ours have been turning brown due to the lack of water. I hope we get more today and it soaks more into the brown spots of the yards. Television seemed unmemorable and I did get my daily naps. If it is suuny in the morning, I might try to hang out clothes. If it is cool enough, maybe I would do some tree trimming. It depends on the mood of the weather and how I feel.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Is is Monday?
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Sunday starts now
Here comes Saturday
This is such a nice picture of the Osteen bridge taken from the inside of my truck while driving over the bridge. It shows the field of yellow flowers which only come a certain time of year. I haven't traveled over the Osteen bridge in quite a while. Somehow this seems a world away. My little world seems to revolve around New Smyrna Beach and the latest going happenings. Mom goes to the farmer's market this morning to buy the latest and best vegetables she can find. Hopefully saving a little bit of money by not paying the store prices. The condo down the road has turned a bit more fancy with a curly silver thing attached to the outside of the building. My neighbor seems to thing it will be lit up at night. She says" we will really be able to find where we live, because of it being lit at night." There is no Star Trek or Night Court on today. The Westerns like Gunsmoke and Bonaza will be on in its place.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Sunny Friday
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Glad to be home on Thursday
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Berry made it through the operation
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Tuesday is cool indoors
Monday, June 09, 2008
Lets take a closer look at the cake
Sunday, June 08, 2008
I got a cake for my birthday
Happy Birthday 45 just like the record
Saturday, June 07, 2008
The day before my birthday
Friday, June 06, 2008
Friday starts the weekend
Both Holly and Berry went home with their original owners Howard and Eileen. Berry still wasn't feeling good, but Holly made up for the excitement by waging her tail and kissing her owner Howard. When mom and I went to pick up Berry at the Vet's office, the Vet told us she had a messed up spleen. Howard would have to bring her in the next day for x-rays. What happens next to Berry will be up to Howard and the Vet. Mom and I are out of the picture. This is a new day where we can turn off the air and open up the house and let it air out for awhile. We also can vacuum, mop and wash sheets, clothes and pillow cases. I also don't have to go outside before daylight and get my self bitten up by bugs. I have felt such a great sense of relief. Something heavy lifted off my shoulders. Mom made chicken noodle soup which I had for lunch and dinner. Today, I have no idea what we will eat.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Thursday is finally here
Holly is snoring this morning. She has been so cute. She is adorable to pet and take care of. However, she does go home this evening with Berry to her owner Howard. It will be somewhat a relief to know they are reunited. Mission accomplished, which means getting this place back to the days prior to when the dogs came to visit. This morning promises to be a busy morning. The lawn cutting crew is suppose to be here early this morning to cut our lawn. The lady next door usually gets it done every week, but I saw her cutting her own grass yesterday with a lawnmower. I didn't figure her for pushing a lawnmower, because she seemed to be someone who just liked things done. This will be the last day with both dogs and it will be lively. Meantime, I enjoy a nice cup of Folgers coffee and listen to Mash while I encourage Holly to stay on her chair. Mom, Holly and I enjoyed a nice steak dinner from Outback last night. We rode in the car and I got take out at the take out to purchase a 20 ounce Porter House steak dinner.When I returned home, the taste of the steak seem to melt in my mouth. I got a little bit of steak juice on my half of the baked potato. The salad had crisp ice berg lettuce with small tomatoes and slightly hot onions. I also ordered ranch dressing to place on top of the salad. It came with a small wheat dinner roll which was split between mom and I. Last night was also the Sarah Brightman concert on PBS. Sarah strolled down the aisle in this big church like setting in a flamboyant red velvet dress. She had her arms stretched out like a exotic peacock courting an audience of devoted listeners.