turkey talk

Monday, June 23, 2008

Today is Garbage Monday

I have been so trained to the coffee in the morning. This is the first word in my brain, until I am tasting my first sip of hot delicious coffee oozes down my throat. This morning it is Maxwell house that is the coffee made; and if, I need a second cup I will get one. My sister doesn't get up early on Mondays, because she doesn't have to go to work. She only works on the weekends. I have not poked my head outside to see what it is like. I did do this last night while carrying trash out and saw it was cloudy and overcast. The stars were not out and there was no moon. It was a good television night for me, because I was watching the Discovery Channel and was reintroduce to the space program. They replayed the Apollo 13 problems on how their ship was damaged and they were not able to land on the moon. They conserved on electricity so the astronauts would have a better chance of getting home. They briefly mentioned Apollo 17 was the last one to go to the moon and land on the moon. The astronauts were aware that when they left the moon they were not coming back. It kind of makes me think of when the shuttle program ends how empty this will be until they show off their new replacement.
The show also talked about The Challenger and the crew. They mainly focused in on Christa McCauliffe being the first teacher in space. The training she received with her backup Barbara Morgan and how the competition was still their up to the time of launch between Christa and Barbara. They captured Barbara making a statement in jest " I tried to get Christa to eat poison cookies, but she wouldn't take them." Barbara had a drive of wanting to be first. I know she liked Christa, but she would have rather been in Christa's place on the shuttle. This was before it blew apart on launch day. It was also this drive that kept her in the astronaut program after the explosion until she got her place on the shuttle as The first Educator in Space. She was much older and her hairstyle had changed, but she was more than willing to do the task NASA wanted her to perform. I was sorry when she went she didn't get more television time and attention. The program she had to set up and teach kids was only shown to a select few. I would have like to see how she would have taught the kids and what she would have said to the kids. Also, when she came back from space, she was the only one who got air sick. She wasn't as healthy as we thought she was.
They also didn't talk about John Glenn going up on the shuttle as a Senior Citizen. All the medical test he had to perform just to ride on the shuttle. Plus, Bill Nelson U. S, Senator what he must have felt and how he viewed the space program after his flight. Also, they had a Saudi Prince ride on the shuttle. Plus, African American men and women, Asians and Russians. People of different origins, but with lots of training and most of them PH D's. They had medical doctors and conducted all sorts of test on humans as well as rodents and plants.
The shuttle had been the work horse for carrying sections of the International Space Station. They have also exchanged crew from the space station to the shuttle and taken some crew back home. One shuttle that didn't make it home was The Columbia. It broke up over Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. Seven more lives were lost and the families were left empty waiting on the Florida return pad for the crew to come home. They talked about how the crew was traveling on a doomed flight after learning a piece of falling foam had cause damage to the wing by puncturing a hole into it. This wasn't put together until after the tragedy.
As you can see, I sort of got into this show. It kept going on and on, so there were parts I missed. I also switched channels briefly between the Sarah Brightman concert on PBS and this show. Sarah is such a Diva. The special effects are simply outstanding. I also loved the red velvet dress she starts the show off in. I still haven't progressed far in my book. I just quit when they were either going down or up on a mountain. I forget which one.


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