Did you get rain? I sure did!!
It is so nice being back into a rainy pattern. The middle of the day rains are so good for the yards. I expect the brown spots in our yard and the neighbor's yards to go away. It started raining around Matlock time and I just slept through most of it. I saw it steadily coming down and I just settled back into my sleep mode on the couch just like Sleeping Beauty. I got my beauty rest.
When the evening came and the rain slacked off. I could see a light trying to shine through the bathroom window. I figured it to be the moonlight. I didn't go outside to see what size the moon was, but it did produce a pretty radiant beam through the bathroom window and the window in my bedroom. This morning I could hear the night crickets softly singing like one big massive choir of chirping. I have finished off one cup of Maxwell House. I was thinking how much fun it is to connect with people through the cell phone which I haven't seen for a long time. My former doctor, who only goes to the golf course twice a week. He is affected by the warm humid weather. He also says" to give my regards to your mom" which I convey the message. He is a part of my past which I like holding on to as long as possible. I also talk with former neighbors and connect with what their children and grandchildren are doing with their lives. This is all done through the power of the cell phone and having more minutes on nights and weekends to use over a period of a month. I will be talking with my sister pretty soon. She reminded me yesterday how frogs can cry in agony when they aren't really being hurt. She encountered this and we both had a good laugh.
At 5:49 PM,
Lew said…
Mary likes Folgers over Maxwell House also. I am the hold-out for Maxwell House. When the fresh ground Maxwell House is gone she is going to get some Folgers. I am still holding out with my Maxwell House instant coffee. I sent you mom and email about using cell phones to pop popcorn with. We went to the movies on Friday to see the movie The Happening. I got value size of combo of popcorn soda. It consisted of a medium size of popcorn and a medium diet coke. What they term medium was quite large and also quite expensive ($10.50). There was a tremendous amount of popcorn left over in this large bag which we took home as well as the soda. We had some of the popcorn last night while watching TV. I heated mine in the microwave (I probably could have used my cell phone. Mary had hers room temperature. It was good and well buttered and well salted at the movie theater. We had rain also. It rained so hard that the frogs drowned. A terrible site. Hundreds of frogs just floating. LOL. We try to work outside in the late morning and early afternoon because of the rains. Meat loaf for dinner tonight with a sweet tomato/ketchup sauce. Baked potato pieces and warm buttered rolls. It was good. Last night was chinese from the grocery store. Orange chicken and two egg rolls with sweet and sour sauce for me. Mary had General Pao's chicken with vegetables and an egg roll. This morning it was bisquits with a homemade white sauce with frumbled sausage in it. I have finished all of my tests and am taking a break by sleeping in until around 6:30 instead of getting up at 5:00 am and doing pleasure reading on my laptop before Mary gets up around 7:15 am. I am reading about lost treasures on Victorio Peak in the White Sands missile range in New Mexico. It is quite interesting. There is a site called Legends of America that has all kinds of neat article on lost treasure and the old west. Don't forget the return of Dog the Bounty Hunter on A&E on Wednesday night. Take Care. Lew
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