I believe it is the middle of the week
Mom took me to see the beach in the park area of 27th. street. It was around three in the afternoon when we pulled into a parking space close to the grassy area where it is a short distance to the ocean. We chose this location, because the storms were churning at the North end of the beach, We had time to see the light white clouds with traces of blue fade off into the Southern distance. Glancing to the North, I could see a solid dark grayish blue with an occasional ground lighting strike. The lighting strike was a flashy yellow color and very straight and thin. I seem to hear more thunder than to see lighting strikes. There was a sailboat out on the water with the sails down heading straight for the darkness of the storm. There was a surfer paddling South away from the storm making really good time. I could tell this was a surfer when he was closer to me. At first, I thought this could have been a pelican on the water. However, this bird was way to active and seemed to draw closer. Talking it over with my mom, we decided this was a surfer. We did not understand why he was going through so much trouble to dog paddle so far South. It seemed to me a whole lot easier if he was trying to escape the storm just to come into shore and wait it out. The storm finally was starting to dissolve as we were leaving. I did capture the picture of the skateboarder. He didn't seem to appreciate me taking his picture, but he didn't say anything. Mom and I sat under a covered park bench with a table. The park attendant was a women stating she was disappointed on the way the public kept their park clean. She was changing out garbage bags and picking up lots of garbage in the grassy area. She made it seem like she was taking care of a bunch of pigs. Later she was talking with someone else, but she kind of glared our direction with an eye of distrust. I had an uneasy feeling and it add to the reason for leaving. In observation, I find people at the beach pretty much do their own thing, but not so friendly trusting towards others. I like being an observer of other people. I remember going to Disney and finding it more fun just to watch the tourist and the way they acted. I also use to do this when I went to the mall. I was a people watcher. I figured everybody had some little story to tell, by their actions and the way they dressed and me listening to what the subject of their conversation. I had a cup of coffee and it has been a real pickup this morning. I heard the report on the news about the study of coffee improving your health. Mom loves the idea and I can easily buy into it. I had some missed video chances getting the turtle crawling at record speed back to his hole. He overshot his mark, but easily turned around. Using his claws, he swept a couple scoops of dirt back and then disappeared into his hole. He knows this hole is his home. It is his protection away from the storms. Mom said she place some lettuce out by the hole and check later to discover it gone. I also have trouble taking pictures of pelicans. They seem to fly over to fast and I can't get my camera focused in time to get a good shot. I seem to see more with the human eye than I can capture on film.
At 2:57 PM,
Lew said…
Grateful. That's right, grateful. The park attendant should be grateful that people throw papers on the ground. That gives her a job and a paycheck. If there weren't any papers to be picked up then she wouldn't be needed and would probably be laid off at the first downsizing. But I do sympathize with her somewhat when I was at Disney. I would see people wash their hands and throw the paper towels on the floor even though there was a large paper receptacle next to the sink. But then they paid someone to pick them up. I wonder why the sailboat would set course for the storm? I wouldn't. I was out on the water in Miami once doing sampling when several small storm cells appeared on the water. The boat driver said that we should go back to the dock. I jokingly said to him, you aren't afraid of getting wet, are you? He responded that it wasn't the rain but the lightning since we were the highest thing on the water. I readily agreed to return to the dock. Then I proceeded to be "sitting on the dock on the bay" (Jimmy Buffet?). My favorite song of his is Volcano. Do you and your mom ever drive down onto the sand? Tonight was pizza night from Little Caesar's for supper. It was good. Gotta go. Time to "put on my listening ears" and go see Judge Judy. Lew
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