turkey talk

Sunday, June 08, 2008

I got a cake for my birthday

Glendon made an organic chocolate cake with white frosting and little colorful sprinkles. Glendon, mom and I went to the beach this evening and found the layout of the shoreline had been changed. It looked flatter from the German Ginger house like structure and dropped off from a small hill. The sand is like sugar soft to the feet and sticks to the feet. The water was not too cool or not too hot. Cozy to touch the feet and caress the senses. I did not get a picture of a pelican which flew over close enough you could make out the finer details such as the colors of the underbelly and the texture roughness of the wings. The beach is a place to see different people and reflect on the days events. I get a sense of openness from looking out on the water. I enjoy the ocean breeze and the different birds which ride the ocean breeze currents. Glendon got to see the turtle in our neighbor's yard burrowing in the soft white sand. She though he was building his driveway. Dinner was a rump roast with baked potatoes and dark gravy with a salad and chocolate cake for dessert. Plus a blueberry cheese tart to try before dinner.


  • At 4:44 PM, Blogger Lew said…

    Good food, good gifts, and good friends makes for a good birthday.

  • At 4:50 PM, Blogger Lillian said…

    This is a very flattering picture. Nancy, you do look like a skinny kid. Sounds like a great birthday, too.



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