I'm up when you're up
Holly doesn't give me any peace in the morning. She is like a little firecracker full of energy ready to go out and great the world. She has been kind of lost soul without her buddy Berry. She latches on to me and keeps me on my toes. Yesterday, we had a pretend car trip. She loves getting into mom's back seat and sitting there like she is traveling down the road someplace. I was glad just to stay home most of the day. I did walk with Holly part way down the road. She moaned and groaned as we were walking. It turns out I wasn't very motivated either. Gone is the Springs cool weather. Replaced by warm damp air which is only loved by mosquitoes. I am now restricted to one hand typing, because Holly wants to go outside in the dark where the no see-ums eat my scalp.
At 3:21 PM,
Lew said…
Don't feel like the Lone Ranger. My chihuahua stands on his back leg against the side of the bed and scratches with his front paws on the side of the mattress when he wants to get up for the day. He usually does it each morning around 5:30 am which is the time that I want to get up anyway so I don't really mind. You will have to ask your mom if that was a run-on sentence. She is good at English. I never was. I liked math and science in school. Got through English in high school by writing book reports on Classic comic books. After all, you really didn't think that I read A Tale of Two Cities, Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, etc. Classic comics was my life saver. And here I thought that you and your mom had this nice refreshing cool breeze blowing in off the ocean all year. Well, pretend that it is cool. If all else fails, open the refrigerator door and just stand there as the nice cold air blows out onto you. Just don't let you mom catch you. Lew
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