One of the two dogs got to encounter a cat yesterday. When I took Holly down the road a cat came up to me and rubbed her furry body between my legs and then rubbed against Holly. At first, she didn't notice it, but she became distant after awhile. The cat never hissed, spit or scratched at Holly. The cat was tame. It also rubbed against Berry and she separated herself from the cat. It is grey this morning and I won't walk the dogs till later on. The bugs just bite and leave marks and itchy spots all over.
At 5:34 AM,
Villager said…
The other half of the Berry/Holly caretaker team has to add, for the record, another observation. They came to our house with a huge laundry basket full of their stuff: blanket to sleep on, piles of soft fluffy towels, stuffed toys, bags of bacon treats, a plastic bag full of medicinals, eye drops,arthritic pills, etc.and a page of directions as to their ROUTINE and medications. In addition, the owner advised me if there was an emergency during the night, it would be necessary to drive them up I-95 and to an all night vet place somewhere in the Daytona area. Worrying over this possibility, I delayed unpacking for them for a day until....Berry went to the basket and poked around looking for her stuff, toys and blanket particularly, and kept this up until I understood her requirements. Holly also informed me that by going to the back door and staring up as if seeing a ghost, this was her signal that she needed relief outside. I am learning slowly.
At 3:50 PM,
Lew said…
Who is the master and who is the pet? I sometimes wonder. Who knows, if they live the good life at your place they may not want to go home. They look to be house dogs who only got out when necessary. Are they lap dogs that like attention? Mary's daughter has a pomeranian that is a fur ball with unlimited energy. Our chihuahua on the other hand is a quiet dog and a "sort of" lap dog. It doesn't want to sit on my lap. it just wants to sit on the couch next to me. Many years ago (around 1960) I had a friend from Vermont. He had a St. Bernard. He said that when he got the dog as a puppy, when he would come home and drop into an easy chair, the puppy would hear him, race through the house and on a dead run jump into his lap being so glad to see him. As time went by and the dog grew bigger (much bigger) it thought that it was still a puppy. When my friend would come home and flop into an easy chair, he would hear a rumbling noise like the stampede of a herd of buffalo. Into the room would come his fully grown St. Bernard who would leap into his lap glad to see him home. My friend would sit there smothered under the weight of a full grown St. Bernard. He didn't have the heart to tell the dog "no" so he just learned to live with it. See how lucky you are that you have two small dogs? Have a cool day. Lew
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