Preakness Saturday
I am on my second load of clothes washing today and I had my one cup of coffee this morning. The day is a hazy grey with the sun trying to peak through. The white butterflies are fluttering and playing around the flowers outside my front window. The white butterflies only come a certain time of year and they are gone the rest of the year. Later on this evening will be the Preakness horse race. It should be pretty interesting to watch. Mom wants me to make my famous drink with orange juice, triple sec, tequila, and cherry juice. I use to have that with Sunday morning breakfast. I bet the weather is nice in Maryland. The race was won by Big Brown. This is the second race of the triple crown. We had little bottles of champagne and not my mixed drink. I am convinced Big Brown will win the Belmont Stakes in New York and be the first horse in thirty years to win the triple crown. Big Brown is a big long beautiful brown horse. His coat glimmers in the sunlight. If you were a betting person, I would say this is a pretty solid wager to place money on Big Brown. The sunset pictured out the kitchen window is a pale yellowish white with a smear of pale peach skin orange. Looking out the front window is no sunlight, but a soft gray tone on the houses across the street with grey clouds overhead with tones of off white and pink. I don't know how much rain we will get if any at all. I still have to get the clothes out of the dryer and fold them. I don't know what is on tv tonight, but I look forward to coffee tomorrow.
At 3:42 PM,
Lew said…
Tequila. When I worked in a hospital in Phoenix, Arizona I had a coworker Sam. He was an x-ray tecnician also. Sam was of Italian descent and had moved to Phoenix from Chicago. He was a lively character, always cheerful and laughing and congenial. In the fall comes deer hunting season. A month before the start of the rifle deer hunting season there was a bow and arrow hunting season. The bow and arrow season was nice because there were very few that participated in it. Sam, along with four other coworkers from the hospital (not me, I was on duty that particular week-end) went to the woods to hunt for deer with bow and arrow. They arrived at their spot in the woods late in the day of the day before the bow and arrow season started. That evening they say around the campfire telling stories and drinking tequila. Well, Sam drank a little bit too much tequila. He spent the night vomiting outside the tent. The next morning at the crack of down when everyone was getting ready to head off into the woods, Sam was moaning. He was still sick. Too sick to go hunting. So the tohers went and left Sam in camp. They came back later in the day without having any luck. Sam was feeling much better by then. Wanting to at least have the ooportunity to shoot his bow he took an arrow that had a crack in it and decided to shoot the arrow at a nearby tree. These bows are hunting bows, not target bows. This means that they were quite poqerful. By law at least a 40 pound pull but most people used a bow with around a 45 - 50 pound pull. As he released the string to shoot the arrow, the crack in the arrow completed itself as the string was accelerating the arrow. The arrow broke completely in half as it was accelerating. The back half of the arrow veered and went trhough the palm of his hand. They brought him to the emergency room of the hospital in Phoenix and I got to see him and talk to him. Teased him a little bit about shooting himself in the hand with a bow and arrow. So be careful of the tequila. What is triple sec? Never heard of it. Lew
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