The nest is gone
The crow's nest has fallen and the egg was broken and so the nesting crow disappears never to be seen again . My next door neighbor told me about the fallen nest, but until I went back there I didn't realize she was right. The nest was gone. There was a little bit of twigs still up in the palm tree, but not enough to make another nest. The other idea I wanted to write about is the number of mosquitoes I see in the evening. They hover overhead like love bugs. However, love bugs don't bite people and make big welt marks. It looks a bit cloudy, maybe there will be some rain out of the clouds. However, the clouds cleared out later this afternoon and it is blaring hot again. I did see the crow one last time on top of my swing set. It seemed to be talking at me with the awk sounds it makes. It flew away and I figured it found a new home and place to raise young crows. This afternoon, I am stewing some chicken to make chicken and noodle soup. I will save some of the meat out, because mom likes to make chicken sandwiches. The news is saying that an arsonist may have been caught. This would be good news if it is true. The fear would diminish and places could be rebuilt. Even new trees could be planted to replace the ones scorched by the fire. The sun is finally going done and has cast a golden yellow glow through my kitchen window. As I look through the front window, I see a pale white light cast on the roof of the house across the street and the light is also coating the green oak trees towering behind the house. Mom and I are settling in for the night to watch the result show of American Idol. I do believe it will be the two David's left for the final show. I also believe the younger David will walk away as the winner. I would rather the other one win, but the younger one is more popular. Mom and I heard via e-mail from one of our former neighbors and friend, he and his wife is spending the summer at their home in North Carolina. This is a special place which the builders built the house the way he wanted it designed. The house has a view of the mountains and woods and I bet gets the coolness of the early morning air. My sister had that type of place in the North West Panhandle of Florida in a town called Wausau. Wausau was also known as the Possum Capital. The place where my sister lived was on top of a hill. The road was a Georgia clay and there was lots of land and hills. My sister had a tin roof which big giant nuts would crash against it and roll down onto the ground. We would take these nuts and roast them over the fireplace. My mom loved the view of the stars there at night. It was a 360 round view equal to or better than what you would see in a planetarium. Across the clay road, my sister had part of a hill as her land that went down to a stream. The Tennessee Walking horse she kept in the pasture was so scared of the deer. He was also scared to go down to the stream to drink some of the water. He would stay up by the fence line with his eyes as wide as they could open and snort loudly as a sign of protest. I have seen possums here in New Smyrna and where I use to live in the City of Oakland, Florida, but I never saw a live one in Wausau. However, I did see a picture of Jeb Bush Former Governor of Florida holding a dead one by the tail. He looked like he was holding a rat by the tail. It was kind of a quiet chuckling moment, because the Governor had to really mingle among the people and the strange customs they elite in like a possum festival. My sister still is kind of in the country, but close enough to city life that she is not isolated. She also has a swimming pool; instead of, a stream at her home. She doesn't have the Tennessee Walking horse anymore, but she has four mares that are uniquely challenging to maintain. She also has numerous chickens and a pet turkey. She has three cats and two dogs. She doesn't feel alone, because they all want attention to be fed and loved. The weekend is almost here and new movies come out tomorrow and next Friday. I am looking forward to seeing them open. City life does have it's benifits.
At 5:58 AM,
Lew said…
Sad for the crows. Do you have a bird feeder for them? They will come back if you put out food. Just like dogs and cats that get very affectionate just before feeding time. Especially if you are cooking something in the kitchen that smells really good. I think that the crows would be too big for a birdhouse. Plus it is probably too late into the year for them to start building another nest. But they will be back again next year. We have blue jays and cardinals. The red cardinals are a very bright red and nice to look at. I have a large bowl full of the cracked corn outside and the blue jays eat from it. The cracked corn was originally gotten for the peacock but the peacock seems to have disappeared. I haven't seen or heard it for quite a while. I haven't been watching American Idol but I do watch dancing with the stars. I am usually early to bed and early to rise. I study every morning for an hour or two, have breakfast, check emails, work outside, have lunch, take a siesta, etc. as my typical day. Have a cool day. Lew
At 6:29 AM,
Villager said…
I can add to your crow account. My dad, your granddad, raised pet crows. When he hunted, he would rob the nest of the young crows and then cage them and split their tongues, increasing their language skills. After he had tamed them and talked to them, he would release them and they would stay with us in the trees and respond to his calls. He raised a special one,very intelligent, who he named Andy. Andy became adept at stealing jewelry from our house or anything bright so when anything came up missing, Dad would check Andy's cache. Andy would fly in and out of the house, talk to us in crow talk, and became a showoff pet. But guess what, a neighbor shot him, and my Dad was so mad he had to restrain himself from shooting the neighbor.
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