Enjoying more coffee
This is a self note to complain about the television drug commercials that get too personal. I think they should be Censored. I don't like seeing them while I am eating dinner. I don't like how the television stations play them over and over again like a form of brain washing. I don't like hearing about all the worst effects these pills can have on you. Somehow the mute button is not enough protection. What is the answer? Do I have to video record everything, to fast forward the commercials so I don't have to cringe? I wonder how many other people feel as I do in regards to this issue? My coffee kind of loosens my thoughts up and makes me more willing to talk. This picture is Berry and her owner Howard. Berry loves Howard and Howard loves Berry. When Howard stopped by today, he picked up his dog and she was so content. You could tell her heart belonged to him and he was the center of her world. The sun was intensely hot and the wind cool. Our neighbors have their yard trash out to be picked up tomorrow. I can see grass in neighbor's yards turning brown. Ours isn't so bad yet. The neighboring County of Brevard, Florida has so many wild fires that it seems like the County is burning up. Major roads are being closed and the smoke must be unbearable. I took a nap during the hottest part of the day and woke up wondering where the time went. However, there is a burst of energy that gets stored up so I am more charged this evening. Tonight will be the result show of Dancing with the Stars and the American Idol show. I want to know who leaves Dancing with the Stars and what the song choices are the singers choose on America Idol. I am drinking green tea this evening and will be drinking my Folgers coffee in the morning. I forget what age I started drinking coffee. I only know it could have been somewhere between sixteen and eighteen. I was introduce to flavored coffee from Barnie's coffee. My favorites are Chocolate Cherry Cordial and Sweet Heart Blend. The Sweet Heart Blend only comes out during Valentine's day. Later, I graduated to Starbuck's Venta Mocha Frappachino. I gave up Starbuck's when I got sick and worked back to Folgers which is really good. Plus, it is a lot cheaper. I like the feel of the warm coffee in the cup when I pour it out of the coffee pot. I like the feeling of warmth as it eases down my throat . The feeling is similar to being wrapped in a cozy warm blanket.
At 5:39 AM,
Villager said…
All most interesting like a daily chat over a cup of java. Pleasant and agreeable.
At 3:56 PM,
Lew said…
The joy of VCR playback. Sometimes I will tape a show for viewing later. Then when I play it back I get great pleasure in fast forwarding over the commercials. Sounds like fast forward on the tape player may work for you also. "I don't like seeing them while I am eating dinner." Sounds to me like someone is eating dinner on a T.V. tray in the living room. What a great invention. I remember when they were made out of metal and were very floppy and unstable. Tehy never did tip over but there were many time when I had my doubts. Mary and I will sometimes eat supper on a TV tray in the living room so that we can watch Judge Judy. Our trays are made of wood and are quite stable. Berry and Howard reminds me of my story about Tippy which I am sure that I have told you so I won't repeat it again. A sad story and when I feel down and sad I just say that I am having a Tippy day. Today was the library and grocery shopping. We always seem to be doing something each day which gets us out of the house. Then once a week we have an "adventure" like going to a museum or movie. We went to the new Texas Roadhouse restaurant on Colonial near the hospital for Mother's Day. It looked exactly the same as Logan's Roadhouse. I had barbequed pulled pork with french fries and baked beans. It was a real western cowboy meal. And don't forget the hot rolls served with a side dish of cinnamon butter. And of course I got to eat peanuts and throw the shells on the floor which I would never do at home. We seem to be in a drought. Bad news, the grass is brown. Good newa, no grass to mow. Of course all of that will change when the rains come which they always do. I don't get to West Oaks mall as often as I would like. I like getting the cinnamon pretzels at Auntie ??? place. Gotta go. Lew
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