Taking a small trip
Do you remember what it was like to have a gas attendant pump your gas for you and not charge you extra over the price of the gas? Do you remember the gas attendant checking under your hood and washing your windshield? Do you actually remember when gas prices were under a dollar? Yesterday, mom and I took a trip to Ormond Beach to see a skin doctor and this is part of the explanation for this picture. The rest of it is the light on the wall where you can not make out the writing. The writing is actually the names of the doctors there and above is the name Advance Dermatology. The light is a reflection of the door as you walk into the office. It is almost like a nature film like projection on the wall. I thought this was kind of cool to look at. However, I don't think the picture turned out so good. On the return trip back to New Smyrna, mom paid 3.77 a gallon for gas. We thought we were doing ok considering the other prices we saw in the area. After pumping gas we saw the prices drop down to 3.72 a gallon. We didn't shop hard enough to save the few pennies from a cheaper gas pump. It was a good feeling yesterday to see the garbage man tossed the old microwave in back of the garbage truck and know that it was gone forever. This morning we will have company come a fix little projects around the house which will be nice. Mom and I will watch his two little doggies next week in return. The weather is so nice inside and feels good with the morning cup of coffee. Writing on the blog keeps me away from watching the news where awful things are happening to houses in our county and the county next door. Someone is setting wildfires and causing lots of destruction to houses and lives. Thankfully, no one has been seriously hurt, but the people who have lost their houses to fire don't know where they are going to live and lost a lot of valuables. I hope they catch the person setting the fires and get the fires under control and out so everyone can go back to their daily lives again.
At 7:32 AM,
Villager said…
A full tank of gas, in these days, is a rich feeling. It's like having a little surplus in your checking account. In our 2002 Chevy, we average between 25 to 30 miles per gallon on the highway. Nevermind there are rust spots on the roof and some repairs necessary. In the city, I coast to the stoplights, coast down the hills,and plan each trip so there is no back tracking. I see all the bigger cars and the SUVs whizzing by and wonder where do they get the money to blow it on gas. However, there are more bicyclists, motor bikes and motorcycles in the mix and people actually walking. These people also carry green bags to the grocery. Your blog, every day, is thought provoking. Keep it going.
At 4:33 PM,
Lew said…
When I worked in the medical field I got curious as to how doctors selected which specialty they chose to go into. I could understand why a doctor would want to become a surgeon because it is a glory type of practice in that he gets to save someone with appendicitis with his surgical skills. One day I asked a resident in Dermatology why he had selected that specialty. He told me his reason was that he didn't have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the hospital for an emergency. Surgeons have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the hospital to operate on someone who has appendicitis. Bone doctors for broken hips. But as he explained to me there is nothing to do with the skin that he has to go to the emergency room in the middle of the night for. You got bad acne? "Take two aspirins and call me in the morning." So dermatology is a good profession to go into. Lew
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