Sunday before Monday
It is early Sunday before the sun comes up and I am here with a cup of coffee and a deep dark blood red rose sitting on the kitchen table along with a small plate of five tomatoes. I have a picture here with a small maybe mini pincher dog on a walkway. It is better when you can increase the size, because more details of the dog come out. Is rain coming today? If so then, it might change our plans of going to the festival at Marine Discovery Center here. I sure enjoyed Rebeca last night on Turner Classic Movies. Some of the older movies had very good acting and very good plots. Jumping subjects in our back yard mom and I have a Cowboy and Indian situation with the squirrels. Mom and I are the Cowboys and the squirrels are the Indians. We just can't seem to get rid of the squirrels and they have free access to everything in the yard. They jump from tree to tree and run along the fence line. Scamper on top of our bird house and eat out of the bird feeder. I just wish they would go play in someone else's yard and leave ours alone in peace.
At 7:09 AM,
Lew said…
Rain? Well, we are rapidly approaching the time of year when the weather forecast is the same every day: "partly cloudy with a chance of afternoon rains". But what about hurricane season? Do you think that we will get hit with one this year? We have been lucky not getting one which is making me complacent. I keep thinking about the possibility of getting an emergency generator to power the refrigerator with. But then the cost of the food in the refrigerator which I would be trying to keep from going bad is only a fraction of what the generator would cost. If we lose our electric then I will just go to a motel until it comes back on. Not only is the loss of air conditioning bad but we are on a well which means no water. No water means no restroom. We have some water stored in old milk jugs but that gets depleted fairly rapidly. Also, no electric stove. What a modern but electric dependent world we have come to live in. Have you and your mom been to the planetarium at the science museum? Just curious as to what it is like. Lew
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