turkey talk

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Middle of the week

Today is Wednesday (yard trash day) which I have non to contribute this week. Yesterday, I placed most of my refund check into the bank to pay for health insurance. I kept a small portion out for play money. The bank I went to had a small screaming hawk nearby. The hawk kept flying circular patterns and taking a second look I spotted a nest on the top of a pine tree in the middle of development. First, I wondered if this hawk was a red tail hawk, but from what I remembered it didn't seem to have a red tail. Secondly, I was wondering if the bird was hunting for food at the McDonalds across the street. The only thing I figured wild it could catch was a small mouse or some leftover fries. If the hawk was a mama hawk, then the fries wouldn't be very healthy for the babies. This is just one example of nature living with mankind. As mankind development takes over nature adjust on where to live and what to eat. On the news, there was a story about an eleven foot gator snagging a man's arm for retrieving golf balls out of a lake. Gators I view are like predators hunting for food and not caring anything about the victim. This gator was eventually killed, but there are more to take it's place. Birds are so unregulated when they fly. They just catch a current of wind and glide their wings on which way to go. Man has man to direct. When a man flys on a plane, he has to take his shoes off, subject himself to a scanner, subject his belongings to a scanner, limit the size of products he can take on a plane, and fly on an artificial bird built by man with other people riding along. He also has to trust a pilot, co-pilot and first officer to get them to their destination on the artificial bird. If this artificial bird is injured or destroyed, many people are killed. However, there are artificial birds called rockets and space shuttles with the help of rocket fuel can reach outside the boundaries of earth and to the moon. The space shuttle fleet is about to be retired and our country will have to rely on another country's rockets to take astronauts to the space station until we get our new traveling vehicle built. This new vehicle seems to be alot smaller and more like a rocket verses a space shuttle. It doesn't seem to have the endurance features that the space shuttle and former rockets had. There is a lot of details that need to be fixed and worked out before we reach to other planets and any deep space travel.


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