turkey talk

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday isn't a Political day

Sunday started out a bit cloudy and now the sun is trying to creep through the clouds. Small rays of yellow peek through the clouds and then diminish to a soft off color white. We have the sprinklers on, because there may not be any more rain today. Sunday Morning on TV has a lot of interesting stuff about people and their strange love of art and music and sometimes a little political stuff thrown in. Afterwards is Bob Schieffer is someone of importance speaking about the upcoming election in choosing the next Presidential Candidate. There is some talk about the economy and lots of talk about war stuff in Iraq. After Bob Schieffer, is George Stephanoplis who also has guest who are controversial. The afternoon is filled with getting outside a bit in the yard and watching Matlock. In the Evening, mom catches the news and I play on the computer and this completes our Sunday.


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