Camera stuff

I can't take a picture for this one, because the batteries aren't properly fitting into the back of the digital camera. I can only describe the neighbor's new palm tree in the middle of his yard. My mom said that a hole digger had to put a six foot hole to hold the roots to this new palm tree that stands up straight with the help of a board. It is tall and thin and not interesting. It doesn't provide shade, but it does shed it's leaves. The trunk is so big and it is very unattractive. Mom said it reminds her of The Christmas Story where the father gets a leg lamp through the mail and it is the ugliest thing. This is how she feels about the palm tree. If the palm tree were gone tomorrow, she wouldn't be upset at all. The neighbor Laurel across the street also doesn't like the palm tree. It does give her something to look at. This palm tree is the object of the neighborhood watch. People want to know, what will happen to the tree. Maybe later the camera will work and I will be back to take some pictures.
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