turkey talk

Monday, November 06, 2006

Pictures in the Clouds

There are no pictures to be taken at night. Especially when they are familiar shapes of clouds highlighted by moonlight. Last night I went out and saw what looked like a guy with a beard and cap. The shape lengthened at and it looked like one of the dreaded Arab figures you have seen on tv that look so threatening. Finally the picture became distorted and nothing was there except a lighted mass of cloud. The other night it was a stretched out hand along with the thumb and the finger nail. I also watched as the figured lengthened and the picture turned distorted. It is nice to take the time out and observe and see things no one would care to see.


  • At 4:56 PM, Blogger Lew said…

    Clouds are best viewed on a summer afternoon while lying on your back in a field. Watching the fast moving dark clouds of an approaching storm can be fascinating also. The simple pleasures are sometimes the best.


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