turkey talk

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Sunday is here

Last night we got a lighting storm that was a show. It is always more mysterious when lighting occurs after dark. I wanted to get a bath, but I had to wait until the storm was over. I saw the storm cell coming to New Smyrna, but it didn't have the purple rotation that was there earlier when it went through South Apopka. When you see it on Doppler in purple that means there is a tornado in the area. In South Apopka, a roof got blown off of what looked like an apartment. The people there were saying it was a tornado. Today it is kind of cloudy and I plan on going to see All The King's Men playing at the movie theatre. I hope it will be a good movie. Sundays are a mixed blessing, because it give me one more day to relax. However, tomorrow I go back to work.


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