Friday's wish

This is entry post number 121. Wow, I made that many entries which I find amazing. I stepped outside on Friday morning to find it a little cooler, but I didn't feel by all that much. Coffee is nice and strong so I should have a good start for the morning. I guess the best time to tackle work projects is in the morning. I reach a point in the afternoon yesterday where everything I did would turn out wrong. Nothing would work right. This is the point where I just wanted to start the day over again. Today, I hope to finish up some of yesterdays unanswered questions. Today is also garbage day so either mom or I will have to take out the trash. My sister goes for orientation for her new job which she starts tomorrow feeding horses. She does this and few other task only for 20 hours and two days out of the weekend. I haven't decide on what to eat for breakfast. I may do the Lillian thing and have a yogurt. She usually starts out the day with a yogurt. May the day be good and the weekend be better.
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