Sunday in the new month of December

This is December 2, 2006, a new month and the last month in the year 2006. It is Sunday and is suppose to be rainy and wet. The good weather comes tomorrow when I go back to work. My sister's friend Robyn has her baby girl this month and it will be her third child. My mom brought back some of my Aunt's belongings which carried a story or two behind them. There was a bear that my Aunt made a dress with all the fine little details that you wouldn't expect. There was also a small picture of my Aunt, my dad and I which I don't remember the details about. What I do remember about my Aunt's home in Indiana was that she had clocks that would chime on the hour all through the night when I was trying to sleep. Mom and I didn't make it to the Christmas parade or the Christmas boat show this year. There were just too many people around and both of us felt better at home away from the crowds. My sister has a Christmas parade this coming weekend which she will be in. I hope this will be a nice month ahead.
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