turkey talk

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


It is nice not to have rainy storms that carry tornados. This coming weekend will be the new year and the weatherman says it will be a repeat of last weeks storms that carried tornados. I like going outside at night and look at the stars twinkling in the sky. I like to hear the wind blowing through the palm trees. I like listening to the ocean crashing along the seashore. I also like hearing the train blowing it's whistle off in the distance. I will miss the glorious displays of Christmas lights decorating the night with all the pageant and showiness. I figured that I won't get to see all the lights unless I drive up and down the streets at night. It is unlikely that I will do that. I guess I will enjoy the coolness which is here for the moment. Tomorrow it gets warmer and then back comes the storms.


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