Looking back

Many years ago, I was walking home from school with a blond named Tammy. There were some guys (kids) that were looking for trouble and was deciding between Tammy and I for which one to throw the snowcone in the face. I remember Tammy shying away and they let her go. The kid had an mischief look in his eyes and he threw the snow cone into my face. I was temporary blinded and I lashed out with a couple of kicks that hit the guy right in the knee. It was awakening for him and I don't believe that he would do something like that again. Sometimes my past seems just like it was yesterday and not many years ago. My Aunt passed away the day after Thanksgiving and I was thinking about the times my dad, mom and I would travel in the car on a couple of hours trip to join my Aunt Jean and my Uncle Tom for Thanksgiving dinner. My Aunt always had everything placed so perfect and we always had a proper dinner. Christmas has been over at my sister's house with her animals and a tree she picked out and placed in her living room. This year is different, because my sister has to work on the weekends. I like the idea of having the computer to type on and a list of friends I don't know when I will see. I know I like the fishing pole I got from my friend Dee. I look forward to fishing with her after the holidays. Christmas doesn't have snow in Florida. It does have rain and maybe lots of it. I hope everyone has a Wonderful Christmas and stay tucked away and safe for the Holiday.
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