Sunday Weekend

Mom and I didn't go to the Beach Park today. Instead, we watched Matlock and I made stuffed mushrooms which had mozzarella cheese, American cheese, and spaghetti sauce on top and placed into the oven until everything had melted on top of the mushrooms. We did go to the North end of the beach to see the waves on the ocean and to look at the ocean with the appearance of a lake looking back. The waves were the only action taking place on the ocean. In the distance, I could see one shrimp boat which disappeared later. Mom and I took a short walk on the beach. There were dead jelly fish picked on by a sea gull once in a while. We didn't stay long, because it had gotten cold. Mom drove behind the CVS pharmacy so we could view the sunset. We could see the bright orange yellow glow in between the purple stormy clouds that were scattered placed in the sky. I could hear the train whistle in the distance and could pick up the four note chord which the train whistle would make. It was a solid whistle that blew several times before a final few blows that were a cord lower as if the train had passed by and was head down the tracks in the distance. The final ones were long sighs and you knew that it was not going to last. I never got to see the train, but I had a mental picture. I had seen the tracks and other trains many times in the past. When we went home, mom cooked up some pork chops, mashed potatoes and made a salad. The day was over and we were both snugged in a warm house away from the cold and ready for a good night's sleep.
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