Thursday is here
Looking at my Synthroid pill through a magnifying glass, I can see all the fine tiny lines in my finger. It is kind of weird like some freakish science fiction movie. This is kind of a trip down memory lane. Before I graduated High School, I collected bunches of brochures of different colleges all around the country and even Hawaii. Looking at the brochures was like being in a shoes store. I wanted to imaginably try each one on and see how I would fit inside. There was one in Tennessee that had streams and waterfalls and lots of kids my age hiking through the green woods. I just had a flash of what it is to be called a kid again. What I am remembering were things dating back some twenty something years ago. I thought mom and dad could pay my tuition and I could live in a fancy dorm room not worrying about the price of the education. Yes, I would have fit in kind of nice. Then, I looked at the brochure from Hawaii and though Cool. I could be under the palm trees, eat coconuts and play on the beaches in Hawaii. I could study the Geological effects of the volcanoes on the farms down below and eat pineapple. I could live in a simple dorm room and send souvenir's back to my parents and friends. I tossed that brochure to the side and looked at the one from Julliard School of Music. This school to me was one of higher learning and lots of honor. I felt it a privilege to attempt to even apply for the school. I stirred this idea around like mixing sugar into a glass of iced tea. However, I didn't drink from the cup of higher learning thanks to my high school music teacher. He discouraged me by saying it was tough out there and you wouldn't make it due to the competition. Somehow reality settle in and I missed my SAT date to get into one of these wonderful way out colleges. I ended up at a local Junior college called Valencia which my sister also attended. I thought I had kind of arrived back then, because the campus was so big and I could choose my classes. I also met more than a few interesting people which I loved running into at school. It made my journey enjoyable. Springing ahead to 2008, I am home and today is garbage day and the sun will be up pretty early and Star Trek starts pretty soon and I am almost through my morning cup of coffee.
At 5:46 AM,
Lew said…
Memories. How sweet they are. And we seem to remember the best of times. It is nice to take a trip back through time via daydreams. Hey, I was once 135 pounds cruisibg up and down Miami Beach in my baby blue MG. I was on top of the world. Do you have many pictures from the past times to help refresh your memories? I didn't take too many pictures in the olden days because of the expense of film and development. And don't forget the cost of the individual flash bulbs which people told me to moisten the bottom of the bulb before inserting it into the camera so as to make a better electrical contact. Now you may not have gotten the chance to go to Hawaii but look where you ended up at, Florida and close to the beaches. Just as good. Since you get those nice cool breezes blowing in off the ocean to keep everything nice and cool (maybe even a little chilly at times). No sea breezes in Orlando. Just hot and humid. This morning when I went outside it was already warm. Can you imagine living in some place like Minnesota or Idaho? No Disney, No Universal Studios. And probably no Cicci's either. All in all, you ended up in a good place. Gotta go. Have a good day, enjoy your memories, and "dream a little dream". Lew
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