turkey talk

Friday, May 09, 2008

It has to be Friday

Yesterday, I discovered a big crow's nest on top of the palm tree in the neighbor's yard. I was taking down clothes from the clothes line and I heard a " awk, awk". I looked to see where it was coming from and there in the tree was a black fan like tail moving around trying to get adjusted to the windy conditions of the nest. Pretty soon you could tell the bird was sitting in the nest, because the tail didn't move. Another crow flew into the nest and stuck around only for a short time. The wind had turned strong and palm leaves were whipping around the nest. I figured the nest wouldn't last too long, because it was leaning. I would figure this to be the greatest ultimate mom for mother's day. She was so determined to stick it out to the end, despite the terrible conditions. Recalling a mother, daughter story is the train trip to Indiana we took where my mom bobbed a guy, because he didn't help me out of a jam. I had my hand caught in the foot rest on the train and the guy just hung around talking, and not helping me out. Mom could see I was in pain and she couldn't tolerate that. She hit him which kind of woke him up. He said " Lady don't hit me". She responded" do something". He got me loose and I was alright. Another little mother's story is our next door neighbors in Pine Hills, Florida had three boys and the middle one was named Gary pronounced (Ga ray). He had curly blond locks of short hair and was the class clown of the neighborhood. He came up with a rhyme
"Never fool with Mother's stew". This was in response to my mom making beef stew which he poked fun at it. One of the main dishes that I always liked was mom's fried chicken and potato salad. She made this a long time ago when my dad would drive us over from Orlando to New Smyrna Beach in the white station wagon and this would be our picnic lunch after we as a family got wet, sandy and salty all over from playing in the ocean. My mom was my dad's greatest support team while they operated a local newspaper. She gave more than a hundred percent to making sure things operated ok. She worked as late as my dad did and never complained about keeping late hours. Today mom has thrown her abilities into the causes she believes in such as the Democratic party. She also stays close to the neighbor's here and once in a great while will go out to lunch with them. I have a pot of coffee waiting for her when she awakes this morning. She can clear her thoughts and precede with her plan of the day.


  • At 5:49 AM, Blogger Lew said…

    Should be pretty neat watching the birds grow. The Audubon Society had an Eagle cam pointed at a lofty eagle nest in a dead tree. Being a dead tree there weren't any leaves to obstruct the view. The camera must have had a telephoto lens because it seemed as if you were right at the edge of the nest. It was interesting to watch the young eaglets (two of them) as they discovered the world about them. But yours are crows which walk and not hop like sparrows. So before long you should hear the patter of little feet (very little) in the back yard. In the picture it looked as though spanish moss may have been used in the nest construction which should make for a nice soft bed. I see crows eating food scraps in the parking lot at Walmart. Would your crows do the same if you put out food scraps for them? Have you ever had any luck attracting hummingbirds? I have thought of it but tried and failed at it down in Miami. However, the ants enjoyed the sugar water. What are you and Glendon going to do for mother's day? One of Mary's daughters is going to prepare a feast of Alaskan king crab on Sunday. I broke the propeller on my remote controlled plane yesterday. I tried to fly it three time and all three times it nose-dived into the ground. On the third attempt the propeller broke. I am now trying to find a replacement propeller. Have a magical day. Lew

  • At 6:02 AM, Blogger Villager said…

    Gee, thanks a lot. Signed: Ms. Appreciated,who is so proud of raising a writer.


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