Doggies come today
Mom and I have two doggies Holly and Berry come and spend two weeks with us. Meantime, their owners are taking a cruise to Alaska and doing a little gambling in Vegas. It seems to me the ideal vacation. The house here will be a lot fuller and they will take up a majority of our attention. Mom has spruced up the house for their arrival. I think it will be an interesting two weeks. The picture is Holly and she is a pretty little dog.
At 3:19 PM,
Lew said…
Louie was a coworker of mine in Miami around 1963. We were both x-ray technicians in the same hospital. He had a woman who was a friend of him and his wife. This woman had a collie that she loved dearly. She asked if he could watch her dear collie since he had a fenced back yard. She would rather have him wtach her beloved pet rather than letting strangers at a boarding kennel take care of her dog. He agreed and she dropped off her dog and went on her merry way. Everything was going just fine. The dog loved it there. Then on the day before she was to return the dog bit a frog. Not any ordinary frog but a Boufano toad (also known as cane toads). They are absolutely huse and extremely poisinous with the poison being emitted by poison glands on the back. The dog died. Louie came home and found the dog dead in the back yard. He theorized that the dog had bit one of these poisonous toads because the area was overrun by them and that is the only thing that could have killed the dog. He buried the dog in the back yard. The next day the woman arrived at his house to pick up her precious collie. She was very happy and all excited about her vacation. She anxiously started telling him about her trip and asked where her sweet dog was. He took her out into the backyard and pointed to the freshly dug earth of the grave. She was mortified. He told her what must have happened but it did no good. She was absolutely furious with him. Telling him how she had trusted that he would take good care of her treasured pet. That this was why she had brought her faithful companion to him to watch. She left in a whirl-wind and Louie said that she never ever forgave him. So be careful and xhexk your back yard for toads before letting the dogs out. We wnet to the Audobon Society Birds of Prey rescue facility. It was very nice and we had a good time. On the way home we stopped at West Oaks mall for lunch. I had Chinese and Mary had pizza. Then we went home and watched a movie called The Queen which is about the royal family and the death of Princess Diana. It was a good movie. Fish for supper which was Tilapia. It is a sweet fish and was served breaded and fried. White rice on the side as well as broccoli. Take care and let me know if you happen to see the space station go over. Lew
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