Tuesday without Berry the black dog
My mom took one of the two dogs to the Vet. Berry will be looked after overnight. I hope she will come back a better dogie. Mom and I finished up the fried chicken and potato salad for lunch. My mom fried the chicken and I made the potato salad. The sky is so blue and the sun is so bright. I have a tuna fish casserole in the oven. Mom's sunflowers are blossoming out really nice. Mine in the back withered away for lack of water. Holly is snoring on the rug. She was so worried, but I think she will be glad to get Berry back feeling better. My mom had to cancel a doctor's appointment to pick up Berry. They had her on the phone for a half an hour. She had to call back before someone actually answered the phone. This is such a helpless feeling, not to be able to talk with a human. Music doesn't nothing ; except for, aggravating my patience. I get especially resentful when the machine says "Thank you for your patience". It is like the automated phone call I received from State Representative Tom Feeney. Now, you know and I know he doesn't have the time to personally pick up a phone and actually talk to you. Why does his recording say " This is Tom Feeney" when it really is just a recorded voice? Now I will tend to my tuna casserole and hopefully this will make a great meal. Turn on the TV and just relax the rest of the day.
At 4:27 PM,
Lew said…
Peanut butter and pineapple jam sandwiches for lunch. Some grapes for dessert. Tonight was imitation crab (pollock fish) with melted butter for dipping. Macaroni salad with a little mustard added to give it a little kick. Garlic toast also. Then for dessert, german chocolate cake with the chocolate portion of the frosting laid on heavy which was really yummy. Mary completed her painting of the penguins. It will take a couple of days for the oil paints to dry and then she will frame it and put it on the wall in the dining room next to the cardinal. Got my ears lowered today (slang for haircut). Plus I spent quite a bit of time in the public library which I enjoy going to. I checked out the DVD Rocky Balboa and Nemesis (star trek movie). So I am well supplied with movies. We are suppose to get a $ 50 gift card from Home Depot. On the initial attempt to install the carpet, they had brought the wrong color. We had already removed most everything from the bedroom and now it had to be all returned and then taken all out again when they got the right carpet and then put it all back in the bedroom once again. It was a lot of work and Home Depot is going to give us a $ 50 gift card for the inconvenience. Calling the doctor? How about when you call to get an appointment because you are really sick with a cold and the next availablr appointment is two weeks away. This happened to me once and when I told them that I needed to get to see the doctor sooner because I had a bad cold, they told me to go to the emergency room. Have a bright sunny day but cool also. Lew
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