Lets take a closer look at the cake
The cake was filled with a rich chocolate center with vanilla icing and colorful sprinkles on top. There is lots of leftovers to be distributed among family and friends. Glendon, my sister goes home to Williston today to check on her animals. She wants to be sure they are alright. The cake from a distance looked like a red velvet cake. However, this wasn't the case when eating it. This is also garbage day and we at least have two bags of garbage to set out front for the garbage men to pickup. I talked with my Aunt and Uncle from California last evening. My sister and mom got to talk with them too. My sister also dialed an old friend named Irene, who knew us years ago. She now lives in Kansas and is still riding horses. She remembers me as the skinny kid. I told her this isn't me now. Thirty years seems like a blink of an eye. The length of time seems to disappear when talking with someone you knew way back when. I am the first to dine on my Folgers coffee this morning. It is a nice warm cup. It helps circulate the brain currents. My friend Dick called yesterday and I thanked him for the musical card he sent to me. I felt so blessed to have a cultured friend who likes music and knows the art of dance. I felt like I probably could chat with him for hours on the subject, but I held off until maybe I could see him again some day. He lost his dog awhile back. I always hoped that he would get another one to fill his life with some animal activity. Speaking from experience, dog sitting is enough for mom and I ; however, my friend Dick has a warm caring heart that could use a lot of love from a small dog. One of the two dogs we dog sat for goes in for surgery today. Berry, I hope will come through it alright, and her owner,Howard will be relieved of the worry. Time to start in on my Lutein and Beta Carotene. Stay Cool and out of the heat everyone.
At 4:47 PM,
Lew said…
The secret word about the cake is chocolate. Take it from a chocoholic, you can't go wrong with a chocolate cake. It was nice of your sister to make it for you instead of store bought.
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