turkey talk

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

No Garbage pickup on Tuesday

I stepped outside this morning and the ground was still wet after it rained yesterday. The sound of the night crickets and the dripping water on the bag of mulch under the tree was overwhelming to hear. Mom had told me last night about a big full moon. I was too tired to investigate and I really did not want to be bug bitten before going to bed. This morning I went outside and saw a smaller more compact moon. It still had a pretty glow and I could tell the crickets just loved it. I brought the Daytona News Journal in the house, but I didn't even take it out of the bag. I did some experimental cooking yesterday which turned out to be totally weird tasting. The end product almost tasted like a cross between corn meal patties and a soap bar. I mixed some pineapple and a bit of honey in the sugar substitute ingredients and it didn't do any good to improve the product. Mom's facial expression of "yuk" meant the end of her trying it again when I said it tasted better with some honey on it. She called it chicken food and I chimed in maybe the seagulls would like it. The flour was a glutton free product. I was just curious to see how it would turn out. Yesterday, we finally got the much need rain which steadily flowed on the grass. The yards including ours have been turning brown due to the lack of water. I hope we get more today and it soaks more into the brown spots of the yards. Television seemed unmemorable and I did get my daily naps. If it is suuny in the morning, I might try to hang out clothes. If it is cool enough, maybe I would do some tree trimming. It depends on the mood of the weather and how I feel.


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