Mowing the lawn
Along with garbage pickup day, Thursdays is also lawnmowers day. The two guys which take care of our lawn as well as the lawn next door are two of the most efficient guys you would ever meet. They have a set price for services. They faithful pull out their John Deere tractor with a canopy and the edger and go to work without fail. The only thing I think is remaining is for someone to blow off the grass in the driveway with their blower. They charge 30 dollars, but we only require their services every two weeks. It saves us the labor in the hot sun and the four dollar gas prices. Here comes the blower and what an efficient job he does every time he comes. The mower guy I nicknamed Chicken eating Charles, because his real name is Charles and he loves eating chicken. He has an agreement with one of the restaurants over on US I where he will mow their grass for free in exchange for a free chicken meal. His sidekick I don't know his name, but he has a tattoo that looks like it belongs in a biker bar. While Charles was working on our yard, another lawn service vehicle parked and unloaded their mower and edger. The mower was a yellow stand up type. It looked like an oversize Sedge way or a redneck version of a oversize Sedge way. The edger guy was shirtless with a white shirt tied around his neck like a white scarf. His skin tan was a brownish blistering red color. and they finished around the same time Charles did. It makes for an exciting morning, because I needed to be dressed and not stay in my night gown until after lunch. Sometimes the mower people come and park cross the street right in front of our driveway. It takes careful backing of the car to get around this road hog. This is an older picture of my house before the light pole was painted red. I think it really looks better painted red. Maybe we are just getting use to it.
At 4:02 PM,
Lew said…
I was talking to my neighbor across the street about the yardman that I had in Miami. He was young, married and had a son. He would not stop his mowing even if it rained. No matter how hard. He was mowing my yard once during a torrential downpour. I offered for him to come into the house but he said that he wanted to continue mowing. I asked him why he had kept mowing. He said that he had six yards to mow that day, six yards the next day, six yards the day after, etc. He couldn't fall behind because he would not be able to make it up because all of the days were booked. I felt sorry for him getting soaked like that. Chicken eating Charles. When I worked at Disney in one of the gift shops, the manager had lived on Miami Beach in his youth. He said that he would go into Wolfie's restaurant (a pricey upper class place) and asked the manager if there was any work that he could do for some food. The manager would find some work for him like cleaning, etc. Then he would get his meal. He wasn't starving or poor, he just did it to get a meal. I went into Wolfie's for lunch once when I was young. I sat down and looked at the menu. The prices were out of my range. Too embarassed to get up and leave, I ordered a dish of jello which took all of my money to pay for. Maybe I should have tried asking if I could work for food. I never went in again. Don't forget to watch wrestling tonight. Lew
At 4:05 PM,
Lew said…
Some of the managers at Disney would use the Sedgeways to get around. I marveled at them. What kept them from falling over. I would keep watching expecting at any moment for that very thing to happen. They were great for getting around in crowds. Lew
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