turkey talk

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Saturday and I hear crickets

I got chased off by thunder and lightening yesterday while trying to do a little yard work. The storms held off until late in the evening. I did make a trip to the movies and saw Wall-E. I thought it was a cute movie. The little robot was so adorable with his puppy dog eyes. I also liked him collecting nostalgia things.
Speaking of old stuff, I was looking at some pictures where they showed an old station wagon we use to own. I looked at the picture and it looked like the station wagon was jumping out at me. Time didn't seem so long in the picture. I know it was many, many years ago. However, I connect with it like it was something recent. Have you ever connected with your past that you remember ever detail, but try to find something recent like your keys is like Mission Impossible?
There is a radio station I connect with when I am driving. It is Sunny 105.9. It plays all the fun songs I like to hear and am use to singing. I heard the song "Good Love" the other day and I was just rocking in the truck with the music up loud and the air conditioning blasting. The trip home from the store seemed way to quick.


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