Save a community and a job Read a newspaper

I like people to have ideas. My friend Lillian was mentioning her idea of having a newspaper you could view on a wrist watch. It would be like something you would see out of a "Get Smart" episode. She sees the practicality of having a hands free viewing so you could read it in the bathroom. I say this is a very clever idea, but making it happen may be a whole other issue.
Speaking of issues. The Daytona News Journal is closing the local branch here in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. The reason being is a Consultant thought it would look more attractive to a potential buyer not to have the extra garbage or employees attached to the sale. After the reason is given but not exactly in those word, the newspaper leaders have the nerve to say they are looking after the interest of the readers. My question is how could an outsider "The Consultant" speak for the interest of the readers?
They are just trying to make surface material look more interesting to a buyer. Who will be the New Smyrna Beach ace reporters? Who will be the one to cover the stories about what local events are taking place? Who will take the pictures of the local leaders of the community? Who will jump in when there is a problem within the community and bring it to an awareness of the people ? Who will read the newspaper? These are questions that are in total disregard as far as this newspaper owner is concern.
The picture is of my Great Grandfather Jack Geyer on my mother's side of the family in Logansport, Indiana. He ran a restaurant and above was a boarding house. It was located by the Pennsylvania Railroad Station downtown. My mom said he fed the homeless there.
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