Hello its Tuesday
Drinking coffee makes me feel like all is right with the world. No one has any problems and with each sip I am riding in the clouds on the way to heaven. Speaking of heaven, I hope they have a delicious cup of coffee there. I remember coming over to the beach on our vacations a while back and my dad would take his cup of coffee to the beach to watch the sunrise. He would walk out with a pair of shorts that went to the knee caps and a comfortable shirt and his coffee in hand with no shoes on his feet. It was a short distance between our vacation house and the beach. I never went with him. This was time he got to spend by himself. If mom and I go to the Easter Sunrise Services, I would think of my dad with his cup of coffee watching the sunrise on the beach. Mom got her car into the body shop yesterday, to remove the rust spots and paint over the area. I followed her there and we went to The Little Drug Store afterwards where she bought me lunch. I had a Swiss Mushroom Burger with lettuce, onion and tomato on it. She also had the same burger. I was the one who got the fries and she got the bag of chips. She ate a few of my fries and we took the bag of chips home with us. I love The Little Drug Store because it has such novelty items to look at. They have everything from farmy stuff, horsey stuff, golfy stuff and coke collector's items. They have three dimensional cards which they charge six bucks. The counter which was a booth was connected to a soda fountain counter where the lunch employees are extremely busy getting lunch orders and cooking lunches for their customers. They tend to have lots of customers. The place is rarely light around lunch time. One cook did ask me how I was doing. I told him OK!! He said "good". He did not know me by name, but he recognized me by my past request for a roast beef sandwich. He made it so good.
After lunch, we briefly got chased off by stormy skies. Mom had stopped at the Pink Door. This is a resale shop operated by Pink Ladies from the local hospital. The sale of the items in the shop go towards the local hospital. There are so many old and unique things in there it is hard to pull away. However, when I saw the dark clouds and heard the first thunder. I locked up the car and walked in and retrieved mom so we could go home. When we got home the storm seemed to just go away.
Later it was a trip to Publix for me with a grocery list and a small amount of money to pay for the items. Publix is another land of temptation. The first thing to capture my eye was a five to six dollar display of exotic cheeses. They were wrapped in small packages with fancy titles and coloration of foreign flags. They even said they put garlic into one of the cheeses. I was amazed on the prices for such items. I asked myself " Are they really that fancy for the price?" Where are the two to three dollar cheeses? I was going for the Publix version of Cream Cheese located on the other side of the store. The fancy cheese was located across from the exotic wine which I recognized had inflated in price, since the last time I was there.
I got the stuff on the list plus a few extra items not on the list. I got chips, sugarless tapioca pudding and a couple of other small things. I was glad to check out and come home without the store. Mom made a fancy sandwich of smoke salmon for dinner. I watched TV and eventually retired for the night. Now it is back to drinking coffee and starting the routine again.
At 5:12 PM,
Lew said…
Is this the house that you use to live in in Winter Garden? It looks to a grand old house.
At 2:32 AM,
Affiliated With AMEGA GLOBAL said…
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