turkey talk

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Forming an opinion

I finally have my coffee filled to the rim with Maxwell House. This was the one thing I missed during my short hospital stay was a cup of hot brewing coffee. I poked my head out towards the nurses station and they did not even have a pot of hot coffee. I wonder if the astronauts drink coffee in space. I know they use to drink Tang,because it was advertised as the astronaut's drink. If the astronauts do drink coffee, I wonder which brand they use Folgers or Maxwell House? Also, is it instant coffee or have they come up with a way to brew it? Does the food and coffee taste the same in space as it does on earth or has the taste buds been altered?

Changing the subject to the Death Penalty, I guess I would say that I was for it this time. The prisoner looks like a clean cut all American guy who would never do anything wrong in his whole life. However, at his trial the jury found him guilty of a monstrous crime of killing a young boy and showing him no mercy. Also, the prisoner assaulted the boy in a unspeakable manor before killing him. The prisoner shows no mercy towards his victim, but he begs for mercy before his own execution. The lawyer is afraid the prison guards will botch up the execution like the guy who was executed before this prisoner. Luckily this frame of thinking hasn't worked so far with the appeals judges. Once the execution is carried out, the parents of the victim can finally find peace knowing their son's killer will never harm anyone again.


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