Outside views
I went outside the other night to look at the stars above the Norfolk pine tree. It was a cool night and I could see the tracing of the tree under pattern of the stars. It is nights like that, I wish I could share with people. However, there is no one around. I went back inside when the neighbor across the street showed up in his car and started talking with his wife. The noise ruined the mood of silence and reflection. Speaking of reflection, yesterday I went to the Flagler entrance and saw two shrimp boats and one sail boat way in the distance off of South Daytona. My camera can really focus in on the shot; however, somehow the pictures came out smaller than what I expected. I figure the answer to changing the size is in the settings. I just have to learn where to look. Thanksgiving will be over at my sister's house in Williston, Florida. She will have a free range turkey which I picked out at the health food store.
At 3:22 PM,
Lew said…
Winter is the best time to view the stars as there are so many interesting things to see in the sky. I was outside a couple of nights ago and saw the constellation Orion which is an easily recognizable constellation. Even viewing the stars with a pair of binoculars is fun. Have a good Thanksgiving and save some scraps for Sergeant. Lew
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