turkey talk

Thursday, August 05, 2010

First Thursday in August

The weather is looking like rain today. The sun is still out, but there are dark storm clouds looming loosely like a jigsaw puzzle trying to find the other pieces to make one big storm. I mopped the kitchen floor this morning and got the garbage out. There is a neighbor over trying to fix the porch screen. I don't know if it is a good clothes drying day. It might be better to use the clothes dryer. Maybe, if I do , the storm clouds will go away and it will be blazing hot. I have no idea what we will have for dinner, but I am working up an appetite for lunch.


  • At 5:32 AM, Blogger Lew said…

    You are absolutely right about using the clothes dryer and then the sun comes out. It is like the old saying that if you take an umbrella on a cloudy day, then it won't rain. Forget the umbrella and you get soaked. Welcome back to the wonderful world of blogging. Lew


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