Bird views
My computer went into the shop and came out with Microsoft 8. This program is one of discovery and changes which I need to get familiar. The type seems more vivid than last time I wrote in this blog. I guess what I would like to talk about is the birds in my neighborhood. I have blue jays, cardinals and occasional mockingbird and mourning doves. The mourning doves hang out on the power lines usually facing away from me. The blue jays are the bold ones who try my bird bath in the backyard. I haven't been able to capture it on film yet, but they splash around in the water and fly into the oak branches. They chase away the cardinals which secretly hide in the tree limbs making tweeting noises. I want to get their picture, but when I get my camera set up they fly away. The flight of the birds is with such speed. I know it is pretty fast, but I would like to know how fast? I have clocked pelicans with my car doing 40 miles per hour in flight. They seem fast, but the birds in my neighborhood seem faster.
At 4:03 PM,
Lew said…
Just look at the neck on that bird. It must be the "giraffe" of the bird world. Do you put out seed in a bird feeder to attract the birds? I have so many squirrels that they would raid a bird feeder and eat all of the seed. I put out the left-over popcorn from the movies and somebody eats it because it disappears. Nice picture with an almost mirror-like sheen to the water. Lew
At 6:13 AM,
Lew said…
Wow! I just noticed the date of your blog, August 25, my birthday. That was a nice thing to do. Take care. Lew
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