Happy New Year 2011
Barbara West left Channel nine in Orlando after so many years. She was like an institution there. There seems to be no party when a person leaves. It is just a sudden goodbye and that is it. I have noticed that mostly younger people occupy the television stations. There are still a few older individuals. I miss Lew's Saturday breakfast reports. Last Saturday, I had biscuits and gravy. Plus an egg that was made into an omelet and a little bacon on the side. New Year's eve will be spaghetti with meatballs and hopefully mushrooms. I like the mushrooms and mom likes the meatballs. The new year will include making new files to store information for the year. Also, writing the new year on whatever is required. Plus, the shuttle program finishes forever. The year should be interesting.
At 6:12 AM,
Lew said…
I agree. Mushrooms are good. We always get the chunky Rague spaghetti sauce with mushrooms in it. Fried mushrooms on steak are pretty good also. I had a portebllo mushroom sandwich at Captain Jack's in Downtown Disney once but I didn't care for it. Perhaps I wasn't use to eating portobello mushrooms. And meatballs do put a special touch onto a plate of spaghetti. They sort of make the meal special. Today it is raining. A good day for a new blog (you). Take care. Lew
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