Image to admire
This creature has taken over ownership of the truck parked underneath our carport. This cardinal lands on the side mirrors starting at seven in the morning and on and off again throughout the day. He makes a ticking sound and then looks like he is smacking his beak ends together. He flies into the mirror and the side windows, but doesn't seem to hurt himself. I figured he is just to little to do any serious damage. He loves looking at his image. He flies from the mirrors of the truck to the back storage box bouncing from one end to the other. He looks like he is trying to break into the truck. He also looks like he is challenging the image he sees like the old western bad guys challenging each other in a gun draw. Mom thinks he is a pest and a crazy bird. I think he is a funny bird with a big ego. There was a brown cardinal hanging around the front yard for a while. I figured this bird to be the girl friend of the red cardinal. However, this cardinal pays little attention to her. I wonder if he will sire some baby cardinals or will he be a bachelor the rest of his life.
At 6:12 AM,
Lew said…
Sounds like the cardinal may have a girlfriend and the clicking of the beaks may be to warn other cardinals away. After all, it is springtime. How do you get such a close-up? Do you have a telephoto mode on your camera or crop the picture? I do a lot of cropping on my photos to eliminate clutter and focus attention on the subject in the photo which this picture does. A nice blog. Lew
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