Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
What is on your dinner menu?
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Looking at old pictures

This is a graduation picture of my Grandmother, who was named Glendora. She died at a very early age ,so I never got to meet her. My mom says she was a book reader. She also had a German background. I don't have great extended histories about people from my family tree. It is very sketchy. However, I do like looking at old pictures. I also think scanning old pictures is a great way to preserve the memories. I did scan one which had worn kind of bad. It was me as a small child at Disney with my then best friend Karen. She had short snow white blond curls. I was envious because my hair was so straight. However, her hair turned yellow with age. She married and is living in Georgia with three grown kids. Do you see in the picture any resemblance to my mom?
Friday, March 27, 2009
What to do with an evening?
Starting a new adventure
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Lillian's final work day
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Passing Events
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Name that movie?
Monday, March 23, 2009
Counting the days
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sunday at the coast
I thought they were also brave to stick their toes into the ice cold frigid water of Lake Atlantic. I figured if the air is cool on the outside the water must be like ice to the touch. As late as mom and I saw the ocean, I did not see a single boat out on the water. The seagulls were gone and so were the pelicans. I bet they were tucked away on bird island in the middle of the Intracoastal Waterway. Today, I am hoping for bacon and eggs for breakfast.
Friday, March 20, 2009
What is going on at your neighbor's house?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Spending the afternoon at the movies
Nice weather we are enjoying
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Settling in for the evening
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Back home
Monday, March 16, 2009
Some cats live in luxury

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Heading back to New Smyrna Beach

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Discovering a hidden treasure
This is the neighbor of famous writer Marjorie Kinnon Rawlings. Marjorie wrote "The Yearling" many years ago. This neighbor's name is J. T. (Jake) Glisson. He is seated here with his wife Pat. J. T. wrote "The Creek," a book about his adventures living in Cross Creek as a boy whose family came from Georgia. The title is similar to Marjorie's book "Cross Creek." JT is an established writer, illustrator, story teller and an adventurer. He has been to Japan. He has seen "The Yearling" done in the Japanese language. He did not understand a word, but when the bullet was fired from the gun Bang! he knew Jodie shot the deer. He would freely enter into Marjorie Kinnon Rawling's house as a kid and take food from the frig. He can still hear in his mind the typewriter on which Marjorie wrote her stories. JT talked about what good friends Charles Rawlings was with his dad and the contributions Charles made to improve Marjorie's place in Cross Creek. He talked about how quietly the breakup of the marriage took place when Charles asked his dad to look after Marjorie. JT stated that Charles went on to write sports articles for the "New York Post" in Tarpon Springs. Charles did not return North as expected. He went South and wrote about the sponge divers. JT talked about Marjorie's second husband, Norman Baskins. who buried Marjorie not where she truly wanted to be buried. Marjorie was buried near Zelma, a local Cross Creek resident who brought a lawsuit against Marjorie for remarks Marjorie made about Zelma in her book "Cross Creek." The remarks were colorfully true, but the lawsuit was settled for a dollar. JT said that on the grave stone was written "Here lies Marjorie Kinnon Rawlings. wife of Norman Baskins." JT also claims that Marjorie JT also said that Norman Baskins was buried next to Marjorie. The information which JT shared with my Mom, my sister, Glendon. and I was so great in over a four hour span. I was sorry for each bathroom break I had to take. It couldn't be helped, but I do think every word was rich with information. Mom was amazed at his ability to recall information. I felt this was more like a coach of a football team recalling every blow by blow detail about the game. Filling you in with all the small details and plays which would win the game. I wished we were able to bring Glendon's old video recorder. This way we could have watched it over and over again. We could catch the small parts which we may have overlooked. Even the small parts turned out to be vital. They fit into a larger picture which completed the history puzzle. JT stated "Cross Creek was a fresh water fishing commercial town." The local lake which was called Orange Lake was divided into pie shaped sections and different people were given a section to fish in. JT said his dad arranged for the drivers of other fishing companies to come by at night and purchase fish like speckled perch to take back and sell in the Northern states. JT also mentions a connection to competing with the fishermen of Lake and Orange Counties. He also made the citrus connection of growing and processing oranges from the orange trees. He stated that Lake and Orange County have to use more fertilizer than they did there. He also stated that when processing plants send pickers out to get oranges for frozen concentrate, they wait until the fruit falls on the ground. However, by this time the fruit could be molding and have a slightly turned flavor. My sister said "I have tasted this in concentrated orange juice." JT's porch reminded me of my former next door neighbor Ruth Browder's porch in the city of Oakland, Florida. Ruth's porch had similar soft yellowish white wood but JT's housed his drawings and bird sculpture in his porch. My sister Glendon said, "JT believed in working at your gift in life. Talent wasn't something just sprinkled on certain people." JT's home now, four miles across the lake from Cross Creek, has a huge tree with hanging Spanish moss and a swing which his kids enjoyed. Presently, he and his wife Pat have five grown children. One is a priest who lives in California. The others live in New York and one close by in Florida. They are proud of their children and grandkids. JT and my mom have the same birthday. JT signed a copy "The Guardian Angel 911" book for my mom and a copy of "The Creek" book for my sister's boss, Jay. JT stated that the residents of Cross Creek settled their disputes on the bridge. I guess this brought out a lot of locals to find out what the problem was. Mom also ask JT how he felt about being the model Marjorie used as the boy Jodie in the book "The Yearling." It didn't seem he talked much about the character, Jodie, but he did talk about his experience as a boy spent in the hospital to get his feet corrected. I guess this would remind me more of the character Fodder-wing, Jodie's best friend, who was crippled. Marjorie is gone and Norman Baskin is gone, but JT is a treasure of information which no one can place a price on.
Friday, March 13, 2009
We have arrived

The Riders are never early and with just cause. Both mom and I are detail people who like to make sure everything is done and ok. We try to leave under the best of conditions, so we can go back home to the best of conditions. We arrived at my sister's place while Glendon was picking up hay at the local feed store. Her dogs were in the garage. They stayed there until she arrived home to let them out. Neither mom and I knew why they were in the garage until Glendon told mom they were there just to keep cool during the heat of the day. Glendon's new turkey which she named Hillary is very sensitive to the heat. She seems to pant a lot with her beak open and her throat moving at a constant rate of regular air inhaling time. In other words, she was breathing through her mouth. It has been kind of tough with the well water on and off. The pressure in the well would drop and then the water would be gone. However, in an hour a guy is coming to fix the problem and we will be normal again. In other news, I get to hear regular rooster crows before dawn. I got my morning cup of coffee so the day is starting out steady. Hopefully, the pit falls will just go away.