Some cats live in luxury

This is a picture of her cat Mink. She looks like she is in a luxury hotel. She mostly stays outside now, but still talks up a storm. She is very vocal about eating and getting stroked on the head and tail. Alley is her other privilege cat who sleeps in the closet of her bedroom during the day. Alley tells us when he wants to come in and go out of the house. Alley likes sleeping on Glendon's lap. He also crawls up on the keyboard when Glendon is trying to type on the computer. Alley is Glendon's shadow because he follows her most everywhere. Glendon's cat Alley use to run the third cat Midnight off until Midnight just disappeared.
At 6:31 AM,
Lew said…
I have a similar keyboard problem with our cat. I tried my new telescope on the moon this morning. I utilized the special green moon filter which cut down on the glare of the light but lost some of the contrast. The images were nice which they always are with the moon because it is so bright. I tried looking at the stars but could not see any because of a combination of the sky glow from the city lights and slight haze in the air from the high humidity. When the humidity starts to condense to for the morning dew it also puts a slight haze in the air. However, I think that most of the problem was from the city lights. Also the size of the lenses in the eyepieces are small which doesn't give any eye relief. I have a very nice professional eyepiece with an erfle lens with fantastic eye relief but it won't fit onto this telescope. Erfle lenses are my favorite eyepieces. That combined with a short focal length rich field telescope gives fantastic views that are crisp and clear with high contrast. Enough of the telescope lesson. Have a nice day and with the 87 degree weather predicted, try to stay cool. A nice cool walk by the ocean might be nice. Last night was barbeque ribs with barbeque baked beans. It was a meal extrordinaire. Take care. Lew
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