Heading back to New Smyrna Beach

The dog pictured here is named Soldier. He is the dog in charge. He is very sensitive to the heat. He howls late at night because Glendon believes he is part wolf. He stays pretty friendly towards mom and I. Soldier is just one of the many animals we will be leaving behind on our journey back to New Smyrna Beach. Mom and Glendon may go to the library at University of Florida before we head on our trip back to the beach. Glendon wanted to make sure mom views some of the papers that Marjorie Kinnon Rawlings wrote kept at the University of Florida library. I want to play a few of Glendon's computer games before head back to the beach. The shuttle launch was successful last night and Glendon saw the shuttle, separation of the solid rocket boosters, and the beautiful stream of smoke it left behind.
At 5:38 AM,
Lew said…
A pretty shepherd. I believe that they refer to the colorations as silver but I am not sure. I once saw a picture of soldier lying on the grass. It was taken from the side and was a very good picture of him. I think that the shepherd breed is a very loyal dog. I also had a shepherd once which had black hair mixed into his coat. He was also sensitive to heat which I think was caused by the absorption of the sun by the black fur. Sort of like us wearing a black sweater on a sunny hot day. Take care and enjoy the day. Lew
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