Money Woes
I have just started in on my book about the life of Christa McAuliffe. She was designated the First Teacher in Space. However, due to the explosion of the Challenger shuttle, Christa never arrived in space.Before Christa died, she mustard a lot of support from her High School where she taught Social Studies class. They were sitting in the auditorium glued to the giant screen watching and cheering on their teacher as the engines started and the shuttle took off. Their moment of happiness was turned into shear terror as they saw the shuttle explode in front of them. The look of what happen and are the astronauts ok followed by cries of how could this happen? The hope and concept of the First Teacher in Space died on that cold January day. It took the runner up Barbara Morgan many years later and a label change to First Instructor in Space to get the job done. Barbara Morgan was brought aboard with less publicity than what Christa had. Her lesson plans were distribute to a select few and not given to the general public. Barbara came back queasy after years of trying to get on a flight into space. In our lack of budget funds, the school system in Florida has reduced the value of what a teacher can offer to a student. I was sadden to hear about an Elementary School in Apopka, Florida which doesn't have the funds to pay for toilet paper and paper towels. They rely on the local high school for help. They also limit the students to one sheet of paper towel per visit. Is this a school or is this a prison camp? The teacher already has to fund supplies for the kids out of their salaries. Plus, a lot of times it takes a fundraiser from a local radio station to supply the kids with everyday needed items to use for school. The district is looking at cutting teacher jobs just to save money from a budget that was mishandled for lack of funds. Can the Government bail the school system out with the stimulus plan? I hope so. What would Christa think about the school system now, if the Challenger accident never occurred?
At 7:22 AM,
Lew said…
Hey, what about all of that Lotto money which is suppose to go to the schools. All those millions and millions from Lotto, Fantasy 5, scratch off's, and a bunch of other gambling schemes to raise money to help out the schools. That is why they started the state sponsored gaming. The schools were short on money and this was to fund the shortfalls. How about an accounting of just how the Lotto money is being used? How much profit does the lotto make each year? I think that a close scrutiny is in order before giving any more money. Look at the TARP funds when they were just given blindly without any accounting as to their use. That isn't the state money or federal money that is being given out. That is my money because I and all the other taxpayers are the source of that money. Now it is time for me to get down off my soapbox. By the way, it looks as though the plane in the picture is a tow plane for a banner because I can see the tow line trailing out from behind it. It is faint but easily seen in the magnified mode. The wing size on the plane is quite large for the size of the plane which will allow it to fly at a slower speed without stalling-out. Here in Orlando on occassion I will see a plane skywriting a message in the sky, but the letters get ripped apart by the winds before the message can be finished. Today after lunch it will be off to the mall for Mary and I for the free cinnamon-sugar pretzel plus the usual stop at Wal-mart. Have a nice day. Lew
At 8:14 AM,
Lew said…
Did you remember to "spring ahead"? Losing an hour of sleep. By the time that I adjust, it will be time to "fall back". What is the other memory rhyme? I never remember it but is goes something like "30 days hath _____, _____, and _____, and _____ hjas 31 days and all the others have 28. Do you remember it. Can you fill in the blanks? Lew
At 8:29 AM,
Blueherun said…
Our society has changed from a caring one to a greedy one. As the money kept rolling into peoples hands over the last decade, less and less has been alocated to others. Will we ever climb out of this disgraceful habit, I don't know.
Each of us can make a difference in the world, I have my chosen what mine is and I contribute to it in every way I can.
At 8:29 AM,
Blueherun said…
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