Bird pictures
It doesn't seem I am fast enough for the elusive hummingbird. I tried, but it does seem I tried hard enough to get the picture. I took several shots where I could spot the bird with my own eyes, but could not focus in with the camera. I was hoping the camera would capture the shot. However, when I downloaded the pictures of the orange honeysuckle plant I couldn't find the hummingbird. The bird must have blended so well with the green in the foliage. It was like the bird was never there. The hard drive captured nothing worth saving. I dumped the pictures. I guess you have to have a willing subject like this seagull who doesn't seem to mind having his picture taken. This bird seems pretty carefree in the picture. My neighbor's daughter Susan is trying to go back to her home in South Carolina. She doesn't want to leave the beach, until she knows the conditions are safe to drive on the roads. The latest stories on the news are stating a snow storm is trapping motorist on the roads. I am sure in time the road conditions will improve for Susan to make it home to South Carolina.
At 6:37 AM,
Lew said…
You would think that the seagulls feet and lower legs would get terribly cold without any fur or feathers for warmth. I have socks and shoes and my feet still get cold. I guess that the seagulls must also go from feast to famine. They probably have a feast on week-ends with all of the beach-goers but then come the lean times on week-days when everyone is at work. Perhaps now with the worsening economy and more people out of work there will be more people at the beach during the week. Hopefully, they will give some bread to the birds. The economy reminds of an old song about limbo dancing with the phrase "how low can you go?". So how low can the stock market go? How low can the stock of Colonial Bank go? So far, pretty low. When I was in college in Miami, I knew a fellow who worked his way through college as a limbo dancer at night. It was funny because he had bright red hair and Anglo. He went on to medical school and I am sure he became a doctor. He was pretty smart. Imagine that, from limbo dancer to doctor. Isn't it amazing how my conversations wander?
You tried to get a picture of the hummingbird and that is what counts. Better to try and fail than to have never tried at all. That is what I have directed to be the epitaph on my brass plaque when my time comes, "I tried" which has been my philosophy in life.
It is cold today and so I am not sure just how much I will be doing outside. I will have to wait and see how much it warms up. According to the weather report we here in Orlando are going to be warmer than you and your mom at the beach. Speaking of the beach, how is bike week going? Are the bikers just in Deltona or are you getting some spill-over as well? Is there a street fair set up along the beach? The junk food is so expensive now at these events. Mary and I were eating some of our fresh strawberries from Publix and I made a comment that the people at the strawberry festival in plant city are probably paying a fortune for a few fresh strawberries from a food vendor. I looked at the label on the clear plastic flip top package they were in and I saw that they were from Plant City which gave me even greater satisfaction that I was eating inexpensive strawberries at home instead of over-priced ones at the strawberry festival. Plus you have to pay $10 each to get into the strawberry festival which I wasn't willing to do. The Mt. Dora art festival that I went to a year ago left a sour taste in my mouth for these festivals. I would like to visit the historic district of Mt. Dora some day and see where the author Pat Frank wrote the book Alas, Babylon which is one of my favorites. He used Mt. Dora as the setting for his story. (Amazing, isn't it? My conversation wandered from cold weather to Mt. Dora.)
Stay warm today. Yesterday we had chili for supper. A good cold weather meal. Mary likes the chili that Campbell's soup males. I usually have the Hormel chili because it is not so spicy. She also made some corn muffins to go along with it. This morning I had a honey wheat bagel which really aren't all that good. I guess that I have been spoiled by the cinnamon raisin bagels. Did you know that they are making cinnamon raisin bread with cranberries in it? It has a lighter taste and is good. Bon apetit. (Oops, there I go again.) Taka Care, Lew
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