American Idol hits a sour note
I have no complaints about the democracy form of voting for your favorite American Idol contestant. I would think the best of the best would be voted to the next round. However, last night, the frog in agony named Adam was voted to the next round. He was the third and final person who squawked like a frog in agony singing " I can't get no satisfaction." Mick Jagger would be pleased because this was the Rolling Stones prize song screamed to the audience and Adam accomplished this task last night. He screamed on key to the audience and they loved it. Paula Abdul was commenting the night before on how amazing Adam's upper register was when he sang. This did not appeal to me at all and last night's show sealed the deal. I hope next week the talent will be more like singing and less like squawking. The show "America's got talent" was more in line last time on how I would like to see a singer sing to the audience. The tunes were songs you could understand the lyrics and the singers did not scream at you. Mom compared Adam to a modern day Elvis with the appeal to the young girls of today. I compare Adam to the look of Adam Ant the singer. I do stress the singer's look and not his voice. This picture is of the honeysuckle in the backyard. This is where I belief the hummingbird hangs out part of the time.
At 4:12 PM,
Lew said…
Yes, I remember Adam Ant. He reminded me of Billy Budd. The character by the same name in the movie Billy Budd. The actor who portrayed Billy Budd was Terrence Stamp. Peter Ustinov was also in the movie as the sailing ship's captain and did an excellent portrayal. I think that I saw the movie around 1963. You can probably get it at the library.
And the Rolling Stones. Undoubtedly the greatest band ever. The reason I say that is because of their staying power. They are still around and playing to sell-out crowds. I like their music and I listened to a number of their songs on my headphones and MP3 player as I worked outside. Their music videos were pretty good also. I would hate to see anyone ruin the sound of one of their songs. Especially their most famous one. Did you happen to see the pictures in the mayor's newsletter? Along the side of the page is an advertisement for Andrea Bocellis new album. Today was work around the house day. Tonight Mary cooked ham steak with fettucini alfredo and mixed vegetables. Caramel coated cinnamon buns were for dessert.
I like the picture of the honeysuckle. Mary suggested that perhaps we should get some but I am not sure where to purchase it at. I would like to try a hummingbird feeder in the meantime. I did an internet seacrch on hummingbirds in central Florida and got a ton of information from numerous sites. The sites did mention honeysuckle as one of the top plants for attracting hummingbirds. Have a good evening. Lew
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