Where is the money?
Mom wants to cook beef stew for dinner. I heard there will be rain this morning on the news, but I don't hear any raindrops outside my window. I had an hour of the television show Becker on last night. I loved the show because he is like the Archie Bunker of the Doctor world. This show was before he let his hair go snow white. I saw Ted Danson, the star of Becker, in the audience of American Idol the other night. He looked about the same, but his hair was snow white. I don't know what the other members of the cast are doing now, but I am pretty sure they must have changed. The song title " Tears of a Clown" sung by Smokey Robinson holds true about what I hear about the cuts made in the school system. Plus the job cuts are still happening. No one I heard about is reversing the trend. The local Expressway authority says jobs will be added if they can raise the toll rates. They suddenly after 19 years have the urge to raise the rates 25 cents a toll and will go up every three years. Where is the salary cap? The accountability for the money the average citizen pays them to maintain the roads. Maybe schools should be done away all together. We can have a nation of online students. Spend the money on getting every child an online computer and have all the classroom assignments done and graded online. The parent doesn't have to drive his or her child to school and back home. The school doesn't have to send out buses to pick up the kids. The teachers can work from home in their pajamas and slippers. Class reunions can be one big chat room. Moms can also pick up an extra check by being a mystery shopper and completing an online survey. These are just some ideas for the future.
At 4:52 AM,
Blueherun said…
Everything as we knew it seems to be upside down these days. The world is moving into a whole new rotation. I suppose it will all work out, but for those of us going through this transition with memories of the past, it is difficult.
We can't see what the changes are going to be or how they will happen, but like you said, lets try to look ahead at new ideas like the schooling online and help the future generations move ahead with their dreams.
At 4:39 PM,
Lew said…
How was the beef stew? Did you mom make plenty of gravy to go with it? I always liked taking a slice of butted bread, fold it over and then dip it into the gravy to soak it up. Real yummy.
I bet those apartments in the picture are probably expensive. The mangrove plants remind me of my environmental sampling days when sometimes I would have to get a sample of their leaves for analysis. I usually avoided the mangrove because of the time and difficulty in harvesting the leaves. And when I needed a fish sample I would look for mangrove plants growing in the water and fish there for mangrove snapper. It makes sense that the mangrove snapper are called that because they live near and in the mangrove roots.
The financial situation is a real mess. I am not sure what the end result will be. I watch the financial news daily to try to keep up with what is going on. Thank goodness I am retired and don't have to worry about losing my job.
Now I do like the idea of the online courses for students. What a money savings it would be with no school buildings to maintain and a large staff. When I went to the University of Miami we had a large round building which we called the TV building. It was like a wagon wheel with classrooms arrayed between the spokes and a television studio in the hub. The lectures were pre-recorded and the building could be filled with several thousand students and english or social science, etc. could be taught to them several thousand students all at once. At the front of each classroom was a large screen like a movie theater and the images for the lecture were projected onto it. It was a very efficient way to teach. Plus the same tapes could be used semester after semester. I think that you hit onto something good. Homes schooling.
Tonight was spaghetti night. Mary cooked linguini in the Ragu spaghetti sauce which gives the noodles a real hearty flavor. She adds an equal amount of water to the pot as the Ragu. She always makes plenty so we have enough left over for another meal ala Italia. I always like spaghetti the second time around better than the first time. We had Italian bread from the store bakery with it and a generous amount of parmesan cheese ton top of the spaghetti. Of course, Mary fried some ground beef and mixed it in with the spaghetti sauce. I tried a new kind of soda with supper. It was a bright red raspberry diet soda and it is pretty good. Tomorrow, Mary and I are going to Hardeeās for lunch. Mary will probably have the mushroom-swiss burger that she likes and I will have their salad in the edible bowel which I like.
Today we did some major shopping at Wal-mart and got all kinds of goodies. Mary got something from the bakery which looks like a cinnamon bun with white icing all over the top of it. But the package say cinnamon biscuit instead of cinnamon bun. I will try one tomorrow morning with my coffee. I am interested what it will taste like. Take car and dress warm tomorrow. Lew
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