Tuesday is American Idol Night
This is another picture of a dog at the dog parade. It looks like a black Labrador retriever. Dinner last night was hamburgers. Mom made a banana pudding pie with banana slices in the pudding. I enjoyed the pie. Today, I am not sure what will happen. I did loose my attention span with Obama's speech night. I found out it was a bit too long. He was good at the beginning, but the longer he took the more tired I got. I don't know what is going on today, but I hope to enjoy some nice weather. Maybe,I will see the hummingbird today or go to a movie. I could do both. I just haven't decided yet.
At 6:28 AM,
Lew said…
Have you been able to get a picture of your hummingbird? Do you have a hummingbird feeder? They are nice birds and so colorful. I would put up a himmingbird feeder if I knew there were any in the area. I keep an eye out for them but no luck. However we do have plenty of cardinals. A male cardinal flew into our garage yesterday. The garage door wqas open so there shouldn't be any problem with the cardinal flying back out. It was a red male. We also have quite a few bluebirds. I know the joke, May the bluebird of happiness........or something like that. Or maybe they are bluejays. Anyway, they are a pretty blue color. Normally Mary and I would go to a movie today because it is senior Tuesday at the AMC movie theater at the West Oaks Mall. But we both checked the movie listings and their wasn't anything that we particularly care to see. I got Mary a AMC gift card of $100 for Christmas. If it costs $5 each to go to the movies which is $10 total, we will be able to go to the movies 10 times and see 10 movies with the one gift card. We have seen one movie so far on it and so we have 9 movies to go. The card isn't used for popcorn and sodas, just for getting into the movies. So instead of going to the movies we will be going fishing in Lake Apopka. There is a nice park with boat ramp on the lake where we will be going. It is going to be a little warm today. I have a gut feeling that the cold weather is behind us for another year. Did you enjoy the cold weather while it lasted? Take care and have a great day. Lew
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