First Tuesday of February
This is a picture of my sister's former neighbor Skag Wylie from Montana. The young man sitting next to him is Shawn Michael. Skag's former wife Nivea's grandson. I remember Shawn Michael as a small boisterous boy with big ideas. He use to stay with Skag and Nivea when they were married and his mom was trying to discover her role in life. His mom found a guy to marry and Shawn Michael was brought back into his mom's life. The removal of Shawn Michael added to the tension of Skag and Nivea's marriage. Sadly the marriage did not hold together. I was use to thinking of them as a couple and not separate hearts with no one to love. People tend to grow up too fast. Yet, I still have the pleasant memory of my Granddad teaching me to bait my hook with a giant squishy earthworm that was cold and slimy to the touch. I would toss in my line from the neighbor's dock along the Tippy Canoe River and get my line stuck in the rocks. My Granddad would fuss at me and try to teach me how to untangle my line. Lots of times he had to do it for me. Yet he seemed more patient about it than my dad. Somehow getting my line stuck in the rocks took the fun out of my dad's fishing. My Granddad seemed to go with the flow and accept it as part of the fishing experience. Skag did help my sister bury her prize baby horse that killed himself by running into a tree. This was lightening of a great burden for my sister. I am sure she appreciated the help he gave her. I was always kind of amazed how my mom knew so well Logansport where she grew up as a child. She could identify buildings, places, rivers, and things that were no longer there. I felt like I was sharing someone else's history. It was like stepping into a time machine with my mom and traveling with her to her youth. I would choose to attend my parent's wedding, if I could step back in time for a brief period. I would love to hear the "Ave Maria" that was sung. I would love to capture the expressions of the bride and groom as they exchange their vows of marriage. I would love to see my Aunt Jean as the Maid of Honor. I would love to see the facial expressions of the members of my dad's family and members of my mom's family sitting in the pews. I would love to see the friends at the wedding and establish how they were connected to the bride and groom. Sadly this could never happen, but I can have the memory of my mom and Uncle Forrest fussing over who was going to pay the check when we went out to eat. I found it humorous to see two grown people argue over a small subject. I looked at it like a source of pride. One thing I can say about the people of Indiana, they have the most giving spirit of all the states in this country. They don't think twice about giving to someone in need of help. I don't have such an elaborate history, but I can look at events happening on the Internet. I do have Lillian's wedding to enjoy. I can enjoy the sea life of the pelicans, sea gulls and occasionally see a dolphin in the water. I can look at the beach goers and try and capture the interesting ones on my camera. This is what a new day brings in New Smyrna Beach, Florida.
At 6:17 AM,
Lew said…
The picture appears like one of those tourist boat rides. Mary and I went to Silver Springs and went on the glass bottom boat ride which was really nice. The boat floated low in the water and of course you could look through the glass in the bottom of the boat. I noticed that there were two panes of glass that were separated several inches from one another. I theorized that this was a safety factor so that if someone dropped something like a camera and broke the glass, the second glass below it would still be intact so that the water wouldn't rush in and sink the boat. We got to throw bread in the water for the fish to eat. We could watch the fish eating the bread through the glass in the bottom of the boat. We could also see the manatees swimming as well. We had a good time. We have never been to Cypress Gardens but it would make a nice spring time trip when all of the flowers are blooming. I am not sure if they are still open.
There are two types of memory: short term and long term. The short term memory is like the RAM of your computer and the long term memory is like the hard drive. When we are younger the short term memory works real good but the long term memory is locked away in the subconscious mind and is actually difficult to recall. As we get older, the long term memory gets better and better. Like your mom, my long term memory fills my conscious thoughts more and more with memories of the past. I can remember things that I thought that I had forgotten. And I can remember them in extraordinary detail. I consider this to be a blessing to be able to relive the past. It was a pleasant time for me and I enjoy the memories. That is why I think that your mom should record her memories in detail for you and Glendon. She has such a talent for writing. It would be a big project but worthwhile. Today is the free Grand Slam day at Denny's. Mary and I are going to eat an early lunch there and then off to the movies. Popcorn and soda at the movies. Chicken patty sandwiches for supper with potatoes au gratin and cherry pie for dessert. The chicken patty is real chicken which is breaded and similar to the ones used for the chicken sandwiches at McDonalds and Burger King. Mary puts them onto onion rolls with lettuce and mayo. They are very good.
Tippy Canoe River. Is that the famous "Tippacnoe and Tyler too" of history class fame? What is my claim to fame? Well, I was born in Hudson, New York just down the street from the Rip van Winkle bridge. Every year in school we had to reread the Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip van Winkle. Have a nice day and shut down your computer and get on over to Denny's for the free meal. Lew
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