It's raining and the neighbor is running the sprinkler
I am up very early in the morning and there is a soft beat of rain outside. The neighbor across the street has his sprinkler system running. I think it must me his automatic timer system. The neighbor across the street works as a Postal employee in Brevard and also works in the National Guard. He is married and has two daughters. Last Halloween his wife dressed up as Dorothy from "The Wizard of Oz." Mom and I barely say hello much less anything else to this family. We hardly see them. They are pretty much on the go most all the time. My neighbor Laurel has friends from up North staying with her. One of her friends was suppose to have an operation. I don't know what it was for, but I hope it turned out well for her. Laurel 's son Bruce usually takes her to do volunteer work at the local hospital. She also goes for her exercise class there. Pauline, another neighbor, is a fun person who is always active with her church. She has her daughter Susan staying with her for a time. Susan lives in South Carolina and was here to have lasik eye surgery. I think it went well for Susan. She hasn't returned yet to South Carolina, but I believe she will when she is ready. My two Italian neighbor's down the street display the nicest Christmas decorations. One left the decorations up through little Christmas. One of the Italian family has a head of household named Angelo. He designed his brick driveway and the layout of the plant life and a small grotto with a small statue of Mary. Our neighbor Gus is confined to a motorized wheelchair. He is paralyzed from the neck down. He can maneuver with hand slightly the controls on the wheelchair. He buys and sells old cars and bicycles. He is very generous around Christmas time. He leaves a bag of Grapefruit and a nice card with us. We try to fix something nice for him in return. The other end of the street has Larry and Ellen. Larry has Cancer in the most dangerous places. He has endured intense Chemotherapy and Ellen has endured Larry's emotional moods. There is a girl from New York who goes walking everyday. I don't know her name, but she has long black hair. Occasionally her husband will walk with her. Next door to her is Christine with the kids. She occasionally will spend time with Ellen. Across the street is a guy with two dogs who offered to help mom out whenever she needed help. There is also my neighbor Pete who does his own table saw stuff next door and on the other side is Carol who occasionally has her daughter and friends over for a visit. This is life of 18Th. Avenue in New Smyrna Beach, Florida.
At 6:38 AM,
Lew said…
Boy, look at the rough surf and choppy ocean swells. It must have been a stromy day. I am not sure if I could stand up against these breakers. The undertow must be strong. When I was young and with my parents on vacation here in Florida these are the type of waves that I had hoped for. I enjoyed doing battle against the waves as they broke against me. Sometimes I would get knocked down by the waves and get a salty taste in my mouth from the salt water. But it didn't matter, I just revelled in the surf. When I had enough of battling the surf, I would go ashore by the waters edge with my little sand bucket and little sand shovel that my oarents would buy me in a souvenir shop. I would try to make a fortress against the waves consiting of four walls much like the Spanish fort in St. Augustine. It would only be about one foot by one foot. As the tide came in and the water started lapping at the closest wall, I would start digging the sand evermore furiously and piling it onto the threatened wall. But no matter how fast I was, the tide was even faster. Much like the video games that when you succeed, the video game speeds up making it more difficult and keeps speeding up until you go down in defeat. Much was the same with my little fort. As the tide continued to come in, eventually it would breach the walls of my fort and I would have to conced defeat and retreat back a couple feet and start my fort building once again. Many hours of pleasure spent at the beach which usually resulted in a nasty sunburn which would keep me indoors at the motel for a couple of days. What did I do inside? Why read ten comic books a day at ten cents each since my parents gave me a dollar each for that express purpose and drinking lots of coca colas. Boy, life just doesn't get much better than that. Thanks for the pictures. They do bring back the memories. This picture is also nice and clear with lots of detail. Have a nice day and stay dry. Lew
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