The day after the ceremony
I feel like someone let the air out of the tire. The built up of the swearing in ceremony and the excitement of seeing the moving trucks and Bush leave on the helicopter and the plane. Life didn't seem much sweeter. I was waving back to Bush as he was climbing aboard the helicopter waving at the people. I was bobbing up and down as I saw the white moving trucks lined up on the side of the White House. I felt a great deal of satisfaction to see Obama take the Oath of Office and Bush to be called" a private citizen." Giving Bush a little credit, I do have to say both him and Laura looked pretty good for their final day in Washington. I was surprised to see the Bush daughters at the swearing in ceremony. I thought the Carters Jimmy and Roselyn both looked good. Jimmy seemed to have an extra spring in his step. I didn't realize the reporter said Jimmy and Roselyn snubbed the Clintons. They showed the Carters walking by the Clintons without saying" Hello." Aretha Franklin looked good with her big fancy bow hat. She sung pretty good. The senior Bush seemed to hobble in on a walking stick. Mom didn't think he looked too good. He didn't seem healthy or energetic like we both remember him. His wife Barbara was starting to look more like her old self again. Barack was dressed in a nice simple suit. His wife Michelle wore a nice gold looking dress with green gloves. Barack had a serious tone walking down the hallway leading up to the point where he is introduced out into the public. The only time he sort of cut up was when the swearing in ceremony was kind of flubbed, but still came through without any major glitches. It was kind of nice to see something done with a tone of innocents. Sometimes perfection can be boring. This swearing in ceremony will have some nice memories for the Obama family. The kids got to play games later in the evening and watch videos. Mom and Dad watched a parade in their honor and danced the night away traveling to ten different balls. Barack wore a tuxedo and Michelle wore a one strap evening gown in a off white color. Both mom and I didn't think the dress was flattering to Michelle. I noticed at the swearing in ceremony Michelle sat behind Barack. I know he had to get up be sworn in, but I would think she would want to sit beside him and not behind him. I wonder why this was? The picture is a brown pelican on the rocks under the South bridge taken a while back. This morning is pretty quiet inside the kitchen area. My key lime tree is enjoying the in door warmth of the central heat. I looked at the stars last night and the sky was crystal clear. The stars were bright shiny and sparkling in the dark sky. The night before was kind of cloudy and I did see one short shooting star breeze through part of the sky and disappear. I forgot to mention Dick Cheney who came in to the swearing in ceremony in a wheel chair. He strained his back and lower half lifting moving boxes to go home with him to Virgina. He left the White House after the ceremony in a car verses a helicoptor. What a memorable start to a new year.
At 6:48 AM,
Lew said…
That is another pretty picture. I like the greeness of the water. And the pelican seems to be a healthy one. No fishing line wrapped around it. But I notice some missing feathers on the top of his right wing. This picture has a lot of nice crisp detail to it. Nice clarity on the barnacles which reminds of a television show that I saw last night. It was Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern. He was in Chile to eat some of their native foods and one of them was barnacles. The barnacles were much larger than the ones in the picture. I didn’t know that you could eat those things. He said that they tasted good but sometimes I have doubts in what he says. If barnacles tasted good then they would be serving them in restaurants here. None-the-less, you are lucky to live where you do and get to see all of the sites that you do. Don’t take them for granted but cherish and savor each one. Save your pictures too. Some day you may want to go back and look at them. I watched the inauguration also. It seemed to go on for a long time. I wondered how exhausted Obama must have gotten with all of the ceremonies and festivities. I agree about George Bush, Sr. not looking well. He had an unsteadiness to his walk and looked as though he was using a cane to steady himself. And poor Ted Kennedy having a seizure at the luncheon. How embarrassed he must be. And the stock market dropped around 350 points yesterday. I was expecting it to go up. I hope that Obama can solve our economic problems. Too many people losing their jobs and homes, too many lives being ruined. It must really be difficult getting a job right now because everybody is trying to get the very job that I might want. It reminds me of school when I was young. Each spring these people would come into our school for a promotion of selling magazine subscriptions. They told us that if we could sell one subscription we would get a Hershey bar. If we could sell ten magazine subscriptions then we would get a dollar bill. A free Hershey’s chocolate bar. Now they were talking. I was eager to get the chocolate bar. I could almost taste it. They gave us our subscription forms along with a brief description on the art of selling and how to fill out the forms. After school, off I went to sell some subscriptions. but then so did all of my friends. I couldn’t sell any subscriptions because everyone was selling them and each child’s parent was buying a subscription from their own child. Downhearted and down-trodden I returned home not having sold a single magazine subscription. I told my tale of woe to my parents and they took pity on me and bought a magazine subscription from me. I eagerly filled off the form and the next day I turned the form in to my teacher along with the money that my parents had given me. My teacher gave my reward of a free Hershey candy bar which I gleefully and greedily accepted. So I guess that some of the job seekers now are probably having the same problem that I had selling magazine subscriptions. Too many others with the same interest. Too much competition. By the way, tell your mom that I thoroughly enjoyed the expression “copy cat”. That was really neat and quite appropriate. She lay in my arms this morning while I was sitting at the dining room table and having my morning cup of coffee and reading an e-book on my lap top. She was purring away and then the purring stopped and once again I knew that she had fallen asleep. So there I was cradling her in my left arm as I worked the wireless mouse for the lap top with my right hand. I like reading e-books on my laptop because I can make the print as large as I want which makes for easy reading. Sort of like the large print editions books at the library. Have a nice day And if you must go out, don’t forget to get some more instant hot chocolate, the kind with the marshmallows. Take Care. Lew
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