Caught up in Television World
I guess I feel like I am recruited as part of the audience for the reality shows on television. I am back to watch "The Bachelor" with Jason the single dad who was rejected the last time by The Greek "Dionna." This television show has the women all trying to steal his attention away from the other girl. There are little behind the scenes cat fights where women criticize each other. I also heard Jason is now engaged so this is a pre-recorded show and we have to watch the end show to see which girl he ends up asking to marry him. This is a little of the sunset I could take while looking for picture taking material on the North end of the beach. The water was pretty calm last night and there were only two surfers in the water. The rest of the people were either walking along the shoreline where the seagulls were all gathered in bunches or they were at the park entrance where I was trying to take some evening pictures. Last night I was watching the singing tryouts for "American Idol." Sometimes I just look at the words "American Idol" and think of the people clowning around there as " American Idiot. " It also seems in some cases the judges are very cruel to the contestants who can not sing on key. I don't know how real or not it is, but from what I can see it sounds like the singer is tone deaf. They can not hear the sound they make to tell if they are on key or not. They think they are singing on key and get real offended to be told they can not sing. I notice there is no piano at the tryouts so the singers can not test their voices against the piano. I think this would cut down on the number of tone deaf cases featured at the tryouts. If the contestant can match their voice up against the piano, then they could sing on key. Also, the older singers are excluded from the singing competion. I guess this is due to the outfit gearing the show to a younger crowd. Also, the older singer would not jazz up the song so badly. I feel "American Idol" wants a song jazzed up for their younger viewers so much it about kills the song from its orginal form. The more the singer yells on key the better the singer's ratings will be at the show's debut. Last season, the singers were stuck in the early 1970's genre. This was required singing which they were pretty out of touch with the style of music. The younger singers would want something more up to date and less looking back to this point in time. My beef with the show is they don't allow for different genres of singing such as Classical ,Country Western, Jazz, Technopop, Rap and BeBop. Songs are so diverse on the radio. I believe people listen to all different varieties of music.
At 4:09 PM,
Lew said…
I once saw a program on television when I lived in Miami. It was a local show and they were interviewing this young woman who was a singer. She sang in the clubs on Miami Beach. They asked her what types of songs she sang. She said that in the area of Miami Beach where she worked, that most all of the people were old and retired. She said that she sang songs from the 40's and 50's. She said that it would make the older people so happy when she sang the old songs because the songs would bring back pleasant memories of a particular time or event in their life when they were young. She said that she was glad to make the people happy. I was impressed because of the reasons why she was doing it. I went to Wal-Mart pharmacy and picked up one of my prescription refills. There was no charge. There rarely is for me because what medicare doesn't pay, Blue Cross does. Tomorrow I have to return to pick up the other refill. I didn't want to wait two hours for it. I spent the afternoon making piles of leaves in the front yard. Tomorrow I will put the piles of leaves into trash bags. The leaves were killing the grass by covering the grass and thereby blocking the sunlight. Mary had ice on the roof of her car this morning. How did your sister do with the cold weather? Did she have a lot of plants to cover with blankets to keep them from freezing. The weatherman didn't say anything about freezing here and so we did not cover our plants. I hope that they do okay. We will find out when spring comes and all of the plants start putting out fresh foliage. Baked chicken legs, stuffing, carrots, cranberry sauce whole wheat bread, and Hostess brand fruit cake for dessert. Take care and keep warm. Lew
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